Germany produces half its electricity via solar and wind yet - TopicsExpress


Germany produces half its electricity via solar and wind yet obamma is urging europeans to buy u.s natural gas and t9 start fracking in europe because.. Because the truth of the matter is, is that just as there’s no easy, free, simple way to defend ourselves, there’s no perfect, free, ideal, cheap energy sources. According to barrack. Even though solar energy cost germans the same as other sources. rt/news/price-solar-energy-retail-033/ Maybe it isnt free obamma but have u consodered the price the panet pays for your energy sources and quit advicing forward thinking countries to de evolve inorder to peddle your countries gas. #whoeversmeltitdealtit #youstink
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 14:59:46 +0000

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