Get ready for whats on my mind. Please tell me how the massacre in - TopicsExpress


Get ready for whats on my mind. Please tell me how the massacre in Benghazi one short year ago gets less media attention than a traffic jam on a bridge? Or how the IRS targeting groups based on political beliefs (during a Presidential election I might add) is nothing more than a “phony scandal?” Four Americans are still dead, and thousands of others were given injustice based merely on political affiliation. I have heard of no special prosecution, or any prosecution for anyone involved in the Benghazi massacre. Here comes Chris Christie and this stupid bridge incident, and the media and liberals are foaming at the mouth. This is not a pro-right rant, but Christie at least had the balls to get on the national stage, apologize, and take full responsibility for the wrong doing. His involvement or non-involvement cannot be proved yet either way, but Christie has courage, character, and accountability; all things that The President lack severely. Here’s where I take issue: One measly day after this bridge story broke, the Obama administration launches a federal investigation, and allocates prosecutorial resources to the US Attorney in the district of New Jersey. ONE YEAR after Benghazi and still nothing. Almost ONE YEAR after the IRS scandal broke, and we have IRS officials pleading the 5th amendment at Congressional hearings, and the start to a corrupt investigation, which I am about to talk about. Yes, a traffic jam, intentional or not, is aggravating, but it poses no comparison to the lives lost in Benghazi or the IRS targeting of conservative groups. It gets better; Paul Fishman, the US attorney for the district of New Jersey, heads up this bridge scandal investigation. Fishman has a beautiful history of donating to Democratic campaigns, and has given more than $12,000 in the past 6 years. Barbara Bosserman is a name that surfaced as the head of the investigation into the IRS. In the past 8 years, Ms. Bosserman has donated nearly $8,000 to democratic campaigns, and the Democratic National Convention. If Mr. Fishman and Ms. Bosserman’s political affiliations are not conflicts of interest to these investigations, then I don’t know what is. If the media were to pursue the scandal laden Obama administration like they are this bridge incident, then the Democratic messiah himself would be shamed and discredited for all of his lies, deception, and demagoguery. Look into it for yourself, the facts are there. Im done, for now.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 02:10:01 +0000

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