Get the Straight Goods from our friend, Laura Holst, who blogs - TopicsExpress


Get the Straight Goods from our friend, Laura Holst, who blogs from her brutalhealthcoach Watch her video, Big Fat Lies Making You Fat The following blog entry has been Reprinted with Permission Source: brutalhealthcoach/big-fat-lies-making-you-fat/ → Glycogen is your body’s sugar storage. It’s emergency energy your body uses when you go without food and when it needs extra fuel. The human body, on average, stores about 2 pounds of glycogen. Each pound of glycogen needs, on average, about 4 pounds of water for storage. For those of you good at math, that’s 10 pounds. THIS IS THE EASY 10 lbs YOU LOSE ON ANY DIET! → LOSE 10 lbs IN 2 WEEKS WITH OUR SPECIAL PILL! → LOSE 10 lbs IN 2 WEEKS WITH OUR SPECIAL DIET! → LOSE 10 lbs IN 2 WEEKS WITH OUR SPECIAL SHAKES! → LOSE 10 lbs IN 2 WEEKS WITH OUR SPECIAL EXERCISE! Stop being manipulated by the diet industry. You lose that ten pounds, then when you stop losing, you believe it’s your fault. You lose hope. You become sure there’s something wrong with YOU. On top of that? You’re hungry. Your body drives you to eat fast absorbing calories (sugars/carbs), because it’s just run out of its reserves. But you don’t recognize this is normal. You’re sure that YOU have done something wrong. That YOU have somehow failed. Then you give up. Then you blame yourself. Until the next product comes out and gives you hope. And the cycle starts all over again. And the billions dollar a year diet industry takes your big fat money to the bank. A consumer report on the diet programs, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, etc? It found Jenny Craig was the best. Those that stayed on it for two YEARS? They kept off FIVE PERCENT of their body weight. For those of you following the math? That’s ten pounds. IF they weighed 200 pounds when they started. In other words? They kept off their glycogen stores. STOP BUYING STUPID SHIT!!! Fat storage is hormonal. It’s driven mostly by insulin. This is why low carb diets work. Because they bypass insulin regulation for the most part. This is also why you should avoid carbs. Carbs aren’t really evil. INSULIN is. And how YOUR particular body uses insulin is going to determine your excess weight. Some people have great genes. They eat carbs. They eat bad carbs. Cookies, Candy, Cake. And they never suffer from being overweight. They never get type 2 diabetes. They don’t get Alzheimer’s. (And yes Alzheimer’s is caused by impaired sugar regulation.) But the rest of us? It’s a recipe for disaster to bombard our bodies with carbohydrates. Insulin and Leptin and more importantly, their receptors, stop being efficient at handling it. And if you get fat? They get even worse. Know what’s making you overweight. Then fight to change it. The beginning? Eat a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. Every day of your life.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 21:02:06 +0000

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