Getting Over a Past Relationship Relationships aren’t always - TopicsExpress


Getting Over a Past Relationship Relationships aren’t always easy, and they’re not supposed to be. It’s very important to remember that anything worth having, whether it’s someone special in your life or a certain level of success, should be worth fighting for. Unfortunately, if it’s not meant to be, it doesn’t really matter how hard you fight in the end. And it’s a known fact that all relationships don’t last forever. Sometimes, they happen too fast, bad timing or maybe you’ve realized that the person you thought was the “one,” turns out to be the complete opposite. Often times, you end up being the person who isn’t quite ready to end the relationship, even when the other person feels otherwise. However, as much as it hurts to accept the reality of the situation, there are ways to “get over” a relationship that didn’t work out the way you planned. “But, I’ve tried almost EVERYTHING and I STILL can’t get over them!” Relax. Take a deep breath. Now, continue reading… Have you ever thought about what life is and how it progresses through time? OK, so you’re probably thinking there’s no way that this has any relevance when it comes to getting over someone. But actually, it does! Life is made up of a series of moments, including different successes, learning experiences, mistakes, emotional events and inevitable obstacles and/or roadblocks, right? And a relationship just so happens to be a period in your life that can consist of any of the aspects that were just mentioned The reason why you may be having a hard time accepting the end of your relationship(s) is because you’re subliminally convincing your mind that it still exists, as if you’re still living in those moments and you believe that all of the feelings and related emotions are real. It’s this very concept that allows great books and movies to have a major impact on our lives and “touch” us in ways that cannot be explained, even if the events that we experience using only our imaginations have never actually occurred in our lives. As long as you believe it’s real, you can seemingly trick your mind into thinking that it is real. Since you can “trick” your mind into re-experiencing the memories of a past relationship, then let’s pretend that the same relationship is just a plot in your favorite book or movie. In other words, the events are the same, your feelings are the same and the outcome is exactly how it turned out to be — let it “play” in your mind as if you’re reading it or watching it on TV… “Um, excuse me but, this isn’t helping… I don’t get it.” Well, just think about it. The difference now is: You can look at your life from an outside perspective, and instead of trying to figure out what went wrong, you can now analyze the relationship as if there are fictional characters playing their respective roles. Think about the initial success of falling in love, the things these characters are learning, the mistakes they’re making that you can foresee from the “audience,” the emotions that influence the events in the story and any inevitable obstacles and/or roadblocks that make it all exciting. At this point, you can’t change what happens, so you might as well appreciate why it’s happening. And whenever you’re ready, close the book or turn off the television. It’s not real anymore. You can take all of these things that you’ve been exposed to and relate to them in a different way; a way that’s not so personal, in a sense, because it happened to the characters and not you. Focus on building new relationships and meeting other people, and feel free to quote your “favorite” story whenever you need some guidance and wisdom in the future.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 10:38:39 +0000

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