Gifted versus talented people Have you ever seen an episode of - TopicsExpress


Gifted versus talented people Have you ever seen an episode of American Idol where there is a person who has been told his or her whole life that they could sing only to stand before the world and be notified that he or she may be talented but not gifted enough in that arena to remain on that current stage? If only someone who really loved them would have told them the truth from the very beginning. In today’s day and age there are more talented people that exist on this spinning globe of ours that we actually know about than any other generation due to our advance technology. Many talented people especially when young choose to participate in arenas that they were not necessarily designed for. This practice takes place for many reasons some people go into certain industries for the money, some do it because it helps make them feel more important and it provides some with some type of status, and some do it because this is the only job or thing they could get at that time. Whatever the reason let it be clear that there is a significant difference between of the two. Talented people come and go all the time most of them are usually flash in the pan’s you know, one hit wonders. Like many of us these are people who generally wake up one day and realize that yes they are talented or even gifted but maybe not in the industry or field they are currently functioning in. Now gifted individuals on the other hand not only have a natural talent or knack in specified areas, but they are also correctly positioned in their element for best results. The truth is all of us have talents, but very few of us are working in the areas where we are truly gifted. One’s talent must evolve in order to become an effective gift there are no shortcuts for long term measurable results. We must not only be people who have identified our talents but individuals who have also taken the time to cultivate, nurture, sharpen, and master ones craft. There can be no substitute for the real thing when we live in a real world that needs real results we cannot afford imitations. Let’s keep it real and get in position for your gift is important. ~SWAGfood4thought~
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 23:51:18 +0000

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