Gifts for Christmas from Kay Christine - Day 2 In the gospel - TopicsExpress


Gifts for Christmas from Kay Christine - Day 2 In the gospel reading this morning there is a guy with a servant that is sick. He wants Jesus to heal him. When Jesus says he will go the guy says Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed. And Jesus remarks that in the whole of Israel he has never met a man of such faith. In our work with the severely disabled/amazingly abled kids, we often find ourselves in moments of crisis when one is sick. Personally I find it one of the most difficult things about my life here- when one of the kids is severely sick and I have to decide what next. For years now Olsen has been on the borderline of life and death on many many occasions. Each time, there is a war in my head- ok Gena, prepare yourself, you know he is very fragile, you know the doctors said there is no real hope, be prepared. Prepared - you must be joking! There is no way I am preparing to let him go. Are you listening God, I dont care if heaven is a beautiful place, Kay Christine is also a beautiful place. You have enough kids up there already! Now Gena, it will be good for Olsen to be free from his limited body. He will be fine. Yes I know, but when he is not sick he is also fine and he is happy here. God you better make him better right now On and on goes the war in my head and in the meanwhile I try to juggle his care and all the other things that need to be done. Luckily I am always surrounded by a wonderful team so am not alone! Time and time again, I have thought if this passage. I have told God a million times that I have just as much faith as that Man has. I remember one time being annoyed with God saying to him if Jesus was walking around now I would beg him to make my kid well, and I would believe that he could do it, I would not even need him to come to Kay Christine. He could just say the word and my child would be healed. But its not my fault that Jesus is not walking around here is it? So God, what the heck am I supposed to do? You know what I have learned? I have learned that the best I can do, is to do the best I can! So when the kids are sick, I pray for guidance and I do what I feel is best and then I step back and leave the rest to God. After all, I am not the creator of life! Olsen was again very sick in August. He seemed to be slipping away. We felt that he needed one particular medication. The doctors were not convinced. We pushed! I rem saying to God, I dont have any doubt that you could make Olsen better right now. I feel we need this antibiotic, we have convinced the doctors to let us give it to him. Thats the best that I can do. Olsen is your son! You can do the rest. I will be devastated if you take him from me, but as I know he belongs to you, I will take comfort from the fact that he is fine with you. So over to you now God! These pictures were taken a few minutes ago while he was doing his therapy. As you can see, he is doing great! Thank God! The first sound I listen for every morning is the sound Olsen singing downstairs! Once I hear him, I know that somehow the day will be fine! Many of you are carrying huge worries. I carry my own fair share also! I am learning from these kids that sometimes we need to let go. We need to trust in a higher presence. Deep down inside of you, you know how vulnerable we all are when it comes to the important things in life. It just takes one sickness, one accident, one death, one earthquake for us to realise that really we cannot control so many things in life. This is ok! We can only do our best and we must continue to be people of love and kindness while we are doing our best. This is what The Christmas Story is all about. Its not about avoiding pain - life will always have pain in it. But if we can try and be people of love to all around us, somehow we will find the strength to deal with the times of pain and sadness. My prayer for you today, is that you will not be afraid to trust in God. That you will dig deep and find your faith and then not be afraid to act on this faith. I have been on a journey of faith and tears with Olsen since he was just one year old and abandoned in our hospital. Here is a picture taken about six months after we got him and we were in the US for his Shunt operation back in 2001. Believe me, not one doctor believed he would live as be has practically NO brain! We have surrounded him with love all these years. Our commitment to Olsen, and all the kids in Kay Christine, is to surround them with love and to do the best we can at all times! It takes an effort and we for sure need support to keep doing our best! We thank you for all the ways you have been supporting us- so many of you reading this have been with us every step of the way. You have shared our worries when Olsen was sick. You have given me strength! I hope my words also give some to you! Faith is a gift given to us all. The baby Jesus brought that gift. Our kids here remind me of this all the time - they have no doubts! So today, we remind you of this gift of Faith! Gena and Olsen! Please spread this story by commenting, liking and sharing.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 20:09:41 +0000

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