Give Us the Ballot - The Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom was a - TopicsExpress


Give Us the Ballot - The Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom was a non-violent demonstration in Washington, DC on May 17, 1957, and an early event of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. Kings oratory is named the Give Us the Ballot speech as its key section uses this demand as an anaphora followed by the different changes that voting rights for African-Americans will bring about. Give us the ballot and we will no longer have to worry the federal government about our basic rights ... Give us the ballot and we will no longer plead to the federal government for passage of an anti-lynching law ... Give us the ballot and we will fill our legislative halls with men of good will ... Give us the ballot and we will place judges on the benches of the South who will do justly and love mercy ... Give us the ballot and we will quietly and nonviolently, without rancor or bitterness, implement the Supreme Courts decision of May 17, 1954. “It is one of Kings major deliveries. The call for voting rights for African-Americans is not only morally right but will lead to change, change for the better for all of America. Leadership is required from the government, from white liberals in the North, white moderates in the South, and from the African-American community. King urged his followers to show love and understanding and abstain from violence. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia” The 1957 speech by MLK has two main points that was made very clear to the African American community. Give us what is justice to all citizens the vote; Blacks can holistic transform our lives. The words ‘we will and Leadership is required” are action words that move mountains. What I interpreted from the MLK speech in 1957 and 1963, African Americans can achieve self-reliance, equality in education, justice system, financial institutions and proper taxation allocation with the vote. “Compassion leadership is required” I agree with Martin Luther King words (1957) holistic today. The number one reason for the holistic colossal failure in the African American community is the leadership. Martin Luther King main word in 1963 was ‘Character’ that rings the most in my ears. It was not just a message to the Neo-con powerbrokers but to the African American community especially the leadership. Because he knew about the classism in the movement by a few northern blacks leaders who were to political correct. Northern Black leaders have no holistically understanding of the pain of slavery, terrorism and Jim Crow laws that affect many African Americans today. People died for us to sit at the table with white people, to be paid on average 25-30 percent less than our white counterparts in corporate America today, our best students attending white schools, to live in white communities, shop in white department stores, for the right to vote for apathetic African American leaders... and this is the way we repay them with apathy, greedy, ignorance, no accountability or transparency and disrespect, collectively we are pathetic. How can a race of people spend a trillion plus dollars and owned less than a half percent of the GDP in America? African American leaders and community cannot blame this dilemma on Slavery, race, the great white man or President Obama. The Blame is totally manipulated and perpetuated by ignorance, apathy and misguided self-absorbed educational, political, business and religious leadership in the African American community. African Americans has March again...fifty-six years later (1957)…now what? Was the March an opportunity for a few to have a ceremonious meeting with the President or just a March for some misguided Negroes could get their names in the history books? The bell has rung, now what?
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 04:04:06 +0000

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