Given the discussion earlier today, we wanted to remind everyone - TopicsExpress


Given the discussion earlier today, we wanted to remind everyone why we post reader comment excerpts: Deserved or not, Hollywood readers have a reputation of hating everything put before them. We wanted to provide a little balance by showing that Academy Nicholl Fellowships readers occasionally find screenplays that they love. The reader comment excerpts are meant to convey that excitement as well as to show that they appreciate a variety of stories and genres. Often, the comment excerpts are vague and dont define the script especially well, but we hope they always convey the readers appreciation of the script to an extent. Sometimes, in removing words and sentences that delineate the scripts story and characters, we do a disservice to the reader by bunching words and sentences much closer together than they appeared in the complete comment. Because were striving to accentuate the positive, we have elided or avoided plenty of negative statements that appeared in the complete comments. When we state excerpt each time we post, we do mean excerpt. In most instances the excerpted text comprises only a small portion of the complete comment. Finally, weve only posted about 50 excerpts, drawn from the over 7000 comments that have already been written about the 2014 screenplay submissions. They are strongly positive by and large because we are selecting only from the highest scoring scripts. For the original description of Reader Comment Excerpts, check out the following Facebook Note. Do realize that some aspects of the competition have changed since it was written in 2011.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 01:56:57 +0000

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