Glenn Beck is on a mission to marry the Democrats and Republicans - TopicsExpress


Glenn Beck is on a mission to marry the Democrats and Republicans to strengthen the force to save America. Envisioning attacks on American soil, an inevitable world war, an economic collapse, and social chaos, Beck has repositioned himself to be the mediator in the battle of the partisans. He is looking for common ground on which to host his coming together party. It sounds good, and it is one of those ideas which is a fleeting thought as in Wouldnt it be nice, but dragons cant fly thoughts..........What Glenn Beck knows to be true is that America will be lost unless American citizens play nice in their own sandbox. Beck is desperately trying to find a solution to the deep divide which threatens to break America forever. But it is not that simple. In reality the problems are so complex and complicated that only an act of Divine Intervention will save the United States of America........I believe that Americans will unite against a foreign attack by Terrorists, the Chinese, or Russians. Unfortunately, the ideological divide between the Liberals and Conservatives is a chasm which cannot be bridged. The two entities have a monumental difference of opinion in the role of government, the Constitution, and freedom itself. The Democrats and RINOS want big government with no adherence to the Constitutional principles. They stand with atheists and support amorality. They are socialist/communists who want social programs which will bankrupt the country, and they support lawlessness if it suits their whims........can you say Illegal Immigration?.........The Republican base is rooted in liberty, limited government, and personal responsibility. Conservatives insist on governance which is constructed on the Judeo-Christian foundation as derived from the Constitution...........Some of the political pundits claim to be witnessing a Democrat arousal as they are bombarded daily with the ever-growing overreach of their president. I would counter that claim with the facts such as in yesterdays 225-221 party line vote to sue the president for his illegal activities. Not one Democrat stood with the Republicans in objection to the dictates that Obama has permitted himself to declare......Not one!...........Glenn Beck is to be admired for trying to set the people on a course of reconciliation. The problem is, Glenn....reconcile to what? The Democrats will never budge in their quest for central government, collectivism, and the erosion of individual freedoms. Big Brother is their friend. We Conservatives will stand strongly against these evils, and we will never resign ourselves or surrender to the wickedness which has embedded itself in the Democrat Party and the Republican Establishment..........The only common ground that I can see is that neither the Republicans nor Democrats want to die from a foreign assault, and other than that.........well, all bets are off!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 11:59:38 +0000

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