Glenn Jackson ~~ this is an hour wherein the Father is raising - TopicsExpress


Glenn Jackson ~~ this is an hour wherein the Father is raising up a holy people - a remnant Church that refuses to remain bound to ANYTHING that they have been redeemed from, in Christ [Romans 8:1-2; Galatians 3:13]. There is an explosion of revelation knowledge taking place in the hearts that are truly reverencing the Father and His Word [Jesus] in these days - and, true to His Word - the Father is making them to know [gain a revelation of] the fullness of their precious Covenant with Him, in Christ [Psalm 25:14] and, also, gain a deep revelation of the power of the precious Blood of Jesus [which is so great that it is almost incomprehensible!]. THERE ARE NO WORDS TO ADEQUATELY DESCRIBE THE DAYS THAT ARE NOW BEGINNING TO OVERTAKE ALL THOSE WHO TRULY LOVE GOD Because of these things, we are seeing a people who are truly entering into the perfect liberty [and righteousness-consciousness] [1 Corinthians 1:30; 2 Corinthians 5:21] that was purchased for them at Calvary - a perfect liberty that is necessary for one to experience if they are going to be found effective in setting the captives free [Acts 10:38] in this final hour. It is written, where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty [2 Corinthians 3:17] and, now, in this most critical hour, we are beginning to see the first fruits of a people who are continually filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit. Because these holy ones have remained in constant fellowship with God they have become partakers of His nature [2 Peter 1:2-4] and, as well as abiding in the Mind of Christ [1 Corinthians 2:16], they have come to know intimately the deepest thoughts and intentions of the Fathers heart. There are NO words to adequately describe the days that are now beginning to overtake all those who truly love God - those who have laid down their lives completely to do and say only that which they are commanded [instructed] to do or say. As individuals move forth from the place of intimate fellowship - in the obedience that is its spontaneous fruit - the Father is now going to supernaturally establish true corporate unity and one accord in the midst of His people. This true unity and one accord will immediately begin to produce an exponential increase in the presence and power of God in our midst - the spontaneous result being that there will be a divine overflow [holy fire] that will be poured forth through a holy people upon all that crosses their path [Joel 2:1-11]. This will produce great healing and restoration in the lives of those whose hearts are towards God and bring great devastation [judgement] upon ALL that has been established apart from Christ [Malachi 3:16-4:3; 1 Corinthians 3:10-15]. Let us keep our hearts pure in this hour [through constant fellowship with the Father and His Word in the inner chamber] for it is the ONLY way for us to safe-guard against slipping into the self-exaltive [unrighteous] words and practices that are about to be exposed in our midst [Matthew 12:36-37] - and, also, the only way for us to be fit vessels of His unlimited [boundless] love and power to a generation that is perishing to a greater degree with each passing day. IT IS CERTAIN THAT IN THESE DAYS EVERY TRUE, SEEKING CHRISTIAN MUST CONTINUALLY ALLOW THEIR HEART TO BE ENLARGED AND THEIR MIND EXPANDED CONCERNING THE DEEPER THINGS OF THE KINGDOM As the Christian enters in to the inner chamber daily a distinct renewing of the mind takes place - a renewing that will take one far above the world and its ways. This continued renewal of the mind will replace every previous mind-set with a revelation of the true Kingdom-life and positioning that is theirs, in Christ. In coming into this place of conformity with the deepest desires of the Fathers heart comes also a spontaneous manifestation in daily life of His perfect empowerment in ALL things. It is certain that in these days every true, seeking Christian must continually allow their heart to be enlarged and their mind expanded concerning the deeper things of the Kingdom and the Fathers plan for the establishment of the Glorious [Local] Church throughout the earth. THE FATHER, IN THIS HOUR, IS GOING TO BE ABLE TO ESTABLISH VERY QUICKLY WHATEVER HE DESIRES TO ESTABLISH CONCERNING THE CORPORATE CHURCH THROUGHOUT THE EARTH As the children of God come into that place of abiding in holiness [faith-love-obedience] Satan and his schemes will not be able to stand against them - or before them - as they go forth in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit in this final hour. Another element of this place of abiding in holiness is that one shall be found to have no ground remaining within them from which Satan could speak or act through them via some form of religious spirit - or indeed any other evil spirit seeking to hinder the establishment of the True Church. Because of these things the Father, in this hour, is going to be able to establish very quickly whatever He desires to establish concerning the corporate Church throughout the earth. It is the deepest desire of the Fathers heart to see the Glorious Church established in each and every nation for it is only a glorious Church that will represent Him perfectly - continually glorifying Him to the greatest degree, continually exalting the name of Jesus to the greatest degree, devastating Satan to the greatest degree and blessing [empowering - elevating] to the greatest degree all those whose heart is truly towards Him.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 00:48:51 +0000

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