Global Connect Media is proud to introduce Global CoFFee Network - TopicsExpress


Global Connect Media is proud to introduce Global CoFFee Network for advancing Good GPS- Good Governance, Progressive Prosperity and Sustainable Security around the world. We are hereby launching our Campaign against Global Terror by criminal elements of the Saud Family Terror Network Global CoFFee Network Campaign against Saudi Sponsored Terror at home and around the world! CoFFee= Global Coalition of Free and Fair Economic Enterprises- A Global Movement for Good Governance! Re: The November 2013 Memo to the International community Re: Initiating The Global CoFFee Campaign for GPS: Good Governance and Progressive Prosperity and Sustainable Security against Global terror! Dear Global Citizens and Friends of Africans and Ethiopians: Greetings and best wishes as you try to stand for justice and good governance across the world by making the criminal pay, here on earth in front of international media, ICT and Social Media network. We should not just be angry voices like the 99% Occupiers, who are left now with their me, me.. fleeting memory and fantasy of occupation and they occupied nothing! Why? They were driven by emotion, not reason, they were driven by anger not intelligence and strategy and work plan with smart implementation. Most importantly the Global Terrorist Corporations paid money to the police organizations that forced the local protectors of the law to protect the criminals- Sheer corruption all around. We need Good governance in the Global Police Departments too! Remember: The Criminals use the legal system against the law itself. The US Health Insurance Corporations have held the Obama Care hostage and the Criminals are blaming the president when it is the Insurance Criminals who are denying coverage for the money they already received. So, if they can hold hostage the US government and the US president what can the 99 percenters do. Hold them Accountable. The Saudi Criminals are doing exactly the same to the immigrant communities and especially to the noble Ethiopians. This must stop NOW! So, here is our Smart Work Plan The Problem: Saudi supported & Sponsored Terror at home and around the world! The Challenge: Saudi’s ability to buy the conscience of the powerful and deceiving the international community for perpetual inaction The Solution: Strategic and perpetual challenges at all international fora and their economic power house the (Dirty Oil Money) with Green Renewable Energy The Action: Global COFFEE Network (Coalition of Fair and Free Economic Enterprises) Our Value: We promote the dignity and divinity of mankind regardless of their religion, color, gender and educational and work status. Our Mission: To bring justice to all vulnerable populations, but specifically to the terrorists in Saudi Arabia who are funding terrorists in Africa, Asia and around the world? Our Goal: To prosecute them at the International Court of Justice and UN Security Council and make them pay and change their terrorist misgovernance, and promotion of culture and false religion of terror. Our Objective: To demonstrate, raise funds and get support from the UN and EU and AU and ASEAN countries via public and private enterprises including Human Rights Organizations and make these terrorist pay for their crime any where in the world. Our Action: To create Global COFFEE Network (Coalition of Fair, Free Economic Enterprises) around the globe, where we utilize the public and private enterprises networks to give jobs for those who are vulnerable, but also sanction those criminals who do not confirm to our values. Calendar based Strategic Work plan 1. Daily Productivity Reports on the social media network 2. Weekly Management Report 3. Monthly review of performance 4. Quarterly Reports and Strategic Plan and Goal Evaluation 5. Perpetual Recruitment of (IT)2 =innovation, investment, talent, technology as a vehicle for our operations. Remember: The famous Ethiopian proverb that states: ….”Wise people learn from the mistakes of others, Clever ones from their own and Fools continue to repeat the same mistake and Live in abject poverty, ignorance and wretched existence! ….” The International community, Saudi Arabians, Africans and Ethiopians can do better than this obnoxious serious of perpetual terror! Here is the Strategic Plan The November 2013 Memo On The State of Affairs of Global Vulnerable Immigrants!- the Case of Ethiopian Immigrants in Saudi Arabia and around the globe! Dear Global Citizens and Friends of Africans and Ethiopians. The Challenge: State sponsored terrorism at home and around the world- The Saudi case! It is with great sadness and shame we learnt about the abuse, terror and murder of Ethiopian immigrants in the Saudi capital, Riyadh by militia and security forces of our Saudi cousins who are one of our closest neighbors and modern day win-win partners in our sustainable development and investment opportunities to transform our region. The context- Ethiopia’s historical hospitality and mistreatment by its neighbors Ethiopia is the oldest independent nation on earth and the home of our common heritage. Ethiopia has ruled over the region including the Saudi landmass all the way from the Mediterranean to Madagascar and considers the people of Saudi Arabia as the extension of our civilization. So, why these series of terrorist activities against each other? The background-People of the same cultural heritage divided by artificial boundaries The Ethiopian Shabaka, the XXVth Pharaoh (720 BC) ruled over Upper and Lower Nile including Egypt, Nubia, the Arabian Peninsula, Azania all the way to Madagascar. As such modern Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia, share the same neighborhood and cultural heritage. The current series of terrorist activities should not be allowed to prevail. Successive Ethiopian governments in the person of Queen of Sheba/Azeb/Makida/Bilkis, Queen Hindeke and King Negash/si have given refuge first to the Jews when Solomons Kingdom perished some 3,000 years ago, and to the Christians some 2,000 years ago, and later to the Muslims some 1400 years ago, when they were persecuted in Jerusalem and Mecca/Medina respectively. The Ethiopian perspective-Ethiopia as the foundation for Abrahamic Covenants Abraham the founder of our faith was a refugee from Ur, Babylonia. All the current Abrahamic Covenants of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc. (~3.5 Billion believers) owe their faith and service to humanity, to the Great generous Ethiopian governments who gave them refuge in the early days of their existence and challenges. As such, Ethiopians in the person of Melchisedec, King of Salem blessed Abraham; Jethro taught Moses governance, and King Negash’s generosity and magnanimity to Prophet Mohammad and his family allowed the faith of Islam to prosper. Blessing not terror- Saudi Arabia and the world owes Ethiopians for our generosity It would not be an exaggeration to conclude that without Ethiopian magnanimity and refuge, the Abrahamic Covenant would not exist or prosper to its current status. The world owes Ethiopians for being a hospitable people to the series of refugees and freedom lovers who came to our shores. We demand nothing less or more from others in our time of need. The solution-Modern Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia can be win-win developmental partners Today, these noble and ancient people are vulnerable and the world, especially Saudi Arabia deserves to treat Ethiopians better! Interestingly, at this very time when such terror is committed against Ethiopians by the same Saudi criminals, the Saudi people are treated with respect In Ethiopia and are considered our closest development partners! Corporations like the Saudi Star and other related corporations have huge investment and business transactions with Ethiopians, and our people continue to work hand in hand to transform the future of the region. This respect and mutual trust need to be reciprocated by the Saudis. The responsibility-The House of Saud should honor the Great Commission The nation that claims to have one of the great commissions and invites a Haj every year cannot act like hooligans and terrorist in front of modern ICT, social media network. That haj and good will could dry up in a matter of minutes as the truth of the hypocrisy is revealed to the international community. The Change paradigm- Changing this treacherous relationship by balanced and win-win partnership It is this unbalanced and treacherous relationship that is causing us a lot of pain, when we learn that our common shared future is being tarnished by few foolish incidents. For the record this treacherous activity is not taking place now for the first time. We were surprised more recently when one well-known Saudi Prince working in the Ministry of Defense made a rather unfortunate and uneducated comment at an international water conference, in effect making foolish and racist comment against Ethiopia. The global Ethiopian community including the Ethiopian government appropriately challenged this and appropriate action was taken and he was sacked from a key Defense position. We demand the same consideration here. Our shared value-Terrorism cannot be condoned who ever is the source We believe the current terrorist activity that was unleashed on Ethiopian immigrants deserve a very thorough investigation by the Saudi and International Community, and appropriate action taken against the terrorists who committed this rather unfortunate incident that could tarnish the historical and current relationship between the people of Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia. The Enterprising immigrants- the successful story of US Immigrants can be replicated in Saudi Arabia Immigrants are known to be creative and enterprising human capital to their new homes, as the example of the Great Albert Einstein, and Steve Jobs of Apple Enterprises testifies in their contribution to US and global communities. Remember: The USA is a superpower on the backs of a series of diverse immigrants enriching the lives of the entrepreneurial powerhouses ranging from Wall Street to Silicon Valley and Beverly Hills, with their talents and resources not to forget the current White house that is currently led by a person of African/Kenyan descent. The change paradigm- the archaic Saudi policy of sponsorship and immigrant bashing need to change! Imagine, what Ethiopians immigrants can do for Saudi Arabia in the years to come as they did to the family of the prophet Mohammad who many consider to be of Ethiopian descent. Saudi Arabia can benefit from the creative energy of its immigrant communities, including the noble Ethiopians! The future- Good Governance enables progressive prosperity and sustainable security for all It is with this background, that we demand that the international community make the Saudi Government and people accountable for the recent terror, abuse and massacre of Ethiopian immigrants in its capital. We at Global Connect, Inc promote GPS, via GRS and CAT for 3As+3Es within CO+FoC. We promote Good Governance, (that is participatory, transparent and accountable order), Progressive Prosperity and Sustainable Security for all, via Green Renaissance Strategies within a Complete, Accurate and Timely Information System for Effective, Efficient, and Equitable GPS (Goods, Products and Services) within Constitutional Order and Freedom of Choice. Lessons learnt-The Saudis cannot expect to live in the middle ages and get respect in the 21t Century! Saudi Arabia needs to comply with international law of human rights and good governance and make its security and militia accountable and take actions that are worthy of this long and highly cherished relationship between our peoples. The old Ethiopian wisdom professes that Wise people remember the past, understand the present and charter a better future for the next generation. The Saudis need to change for the better and respect their neighbor Ethiopia for their own good. The vision-May wisdom and cool heads prevail and terrorist be punished My sympathy, condolences and the mercy goes to these noble vulnerable Ethiopians and ask or for the Universal God/Ethiopias God protection and blessing in this special time of their need. I pray for calm, deliberations and strategic vision of a better future in the Red Sea neighborhood Our common future-The global community should not keep quiet in the face of violent terror! The global media, and the international community should take up the cause of Ethiopian Immigrants and get justice for our people. Remember: It is in our common shared interest to make all governments accountable to ensure the safety and the security of this beautiful planet we live in. It is time to change! This is our moment for Action The Saudi Government should act judiciously for its own sake; as such callous and criminal activities can unleash the wrath of the people that is currently being experienced in Syria, Egypt, Libya and the Islamic Maghreb. The International community and especially those ~3.5 Billion people of Abrahamic faith should stand up with Ethiopian Immigrants and Ethiopian government to get justice for these noble ancient people who have been violated and massacred in Saudi Arabia. Remember: To Do the Right Thing in the Right Time and at the Right Time-Always! It is time to stop the Saudi Terror against Africans and Ethiopians, Most importantly against their own citizens! Thanking you for your attention and assistance in this critical matter, I remain Yours sincerely Belai Habte-Jesus, MD, MPH Global Connect, Inc GlobalBelaiJesus GlobalBJesus@gmail Remember: The Wise African/Ethiopian proverb: Wise people, remember and study the past, understand the present and charter a better future for generations to come! We have the responsibility to: Do the Right Thing, in the Right way and at the Right Time- It is Time Now to do the Right Thing.! Let us Do the Right Thing Now! Belai Habte-Jesus, MD, MPH the November2013 Patriotic and ThanksGiving Memo!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:54:29 +0000

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