Global Risks Growing In 2015 As War Tops The List: WEF Posted By: - TopicsExpress


Global Risks Growing In 2015 As War Tops The List: WEF Posted By: Clayton Browne date: January 21, 2015 10:45:42 For the last decade, the World Economic Forum has produced an annual Global Risks Report that details all of the potential dangers faced by human society worldwide. This year’s eye-opening report analyzes every type of risk imaginable, from economic crises to climate change to failure of national governance to interstate attacks to water crises, and assesses the relationships between each risk as well as the likelihood of each occurring in 2015. The WEF report defines a global risk as “an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, can cause significant negative impact for several countries or industries within the next 10 years.” The 2015 Global Risks Report lays out 28 global risks in five categories — economic, environmental,societal, geopolitical and technological — and also discusses the drivers of those risks by introducing 13 new trends. The report also highlights that “multiple cross-cutting challenges can threaten social stability, perceived to be the issue most interconnected with other risks in 2015, and additionally aggravated by the legacy of the global economic crisis in the form of strained public finances and persistent unemployment.” Social instability is the central theme of this year’s report. The increase in social instability worldwide makes it clear the paradox that “global risks transcend borders and spheres of influence and require stakeholders to work together, yet these risks also threaten to undermine the trust and collaboration needed to adapt to the challenges of the new global context.” According to the WEF report, the most probable global risk in 2015 is interstate conflict. The second most likely global risk is extreme weather events, followed by failure of national governance, state collapse or crisis, and unemployment or underemployment. (Value Walk)
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 02:23:38 +0000

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