Global Warming and Political Islam -- vs -- President Hillary - TopicsExpress


Global Warming and Political Islam -- vs -- President Hillary Clinton There is a comfort in engaging in relatively minor skirmishes near the outskirts of civilizations great battlefields: the more arcane and obscure the topic, the easier it is to credit ones opponent with both good intent and at least moderate common sense. Take global warming, for example. I like talking about it. So much heat and noise has been generated about it that one can be forgiven for believing that the science really is settled, and that the slurs hurled by self-proclaimed experts like Mr. Gore and Mr. Obama, the cracks about flat earthers and anti-science deniers, have some weight behind them. In reality, the facts are conspiring to make the global warming crowd look alarmist, even foolish: there is no warming, has been no warming for at least 18 years, and scientists are now saying there may be no warming for another dozen years or more. The models are broken, so badly broken that even the pro-warming model experts are downplaying their significance and trying to shift the argument away from any kind of empiricism and into the realm of pure theory. We cant prove it, but we know it must be true. Essentially, thats the argument the pro-warming people are giving us. Were this a purely academic exercise, simply the pursuit of ever-expanding human knowledge, that would be fine. But it isnt: global warming science feeds immediately and directly, and in an ugly and self-serving way, into carbon control policy, with potentially catastrophic results for the global economy. But one can be forgiven for falling for the AGW shtick. It sounds so convincing, when celebrity scientists and celebrity politicians stand up and boldly misrepresent the science. Honest, decent, thoughtful people can easily be mislead by such abuses of authority. Our battle with political Islam is similar. Unless one actually *cares* about Islam and makes some effort to learn about it, its easy to believe what the talking heads would like you to believe: ISIL [the ISLAMIC State of Iraq and the Levant] is not Islamic, says Mr. Obama; Islam is the religion of peace, says president Bush; Islam is no more dangerous than Christianity, says every known-nothing armchair pundit. In fact, Islam is a problem, a compelling and popular faith filled with all kinds of dangerous doctrines. Its inherently political and inherently supremacist. Its anti-Semitic, anti-equality, and anti-woman, not merely in what it says but in how its broadly interpreted and applied. Theres a reason why almost all global terrorism is associated with Islam. Theres a reason why the vast body of peaceful Muslims remain silent in the face of atrocities committed in the name of their faith. And theres a reason why young men born and raised in the Christian west, in the United States and Europe, but educated in mosques and taught by radical Islamic preachers are returning to the birthplace of their faith to wage war on the side of the butchers of ISIS and al Qaeda. Islam is compelling. It is attractive, it fills a void, it provides meaning and purpose and structure to people who desperately want it. It is one of the worlds great faiths – in the sense that it orders and directs the lives of hundreds of millions of passionate and devout believers. Unlike that other authoritarian and destructive ideology, communism, Islam is a grass-roots belief system, something embraced by the masses who actually wish to be a part of it. Its also political, intolerant, cruel, supremacist, and dangerous. But that isnt how were told to think about Islam by the opinion leaders, and most people dont care enough to learn more. And, once youve been told enough times that youre a ignorant bigot for believing otherwise, its easy to accept dogma that Islam really is the religion of peace, and that ISIS/ISIL/al Qaeda/Maj. Hasan have nothing to do with Islam. So, again, decent, thoughtful, reasonable people can be excused for believing that Islam itself poses no threat. But then theres the matter of Hillary Clinton and her entirely too promising ambitions to be President. I understand people being bamboozled by the global warming shills. I understand people being shamed into denying what their lying eyes are telling them about Islam. But I cant for the life of me figure out how anyone with even a modicum of common sense could believe that Hillary Clinton is in any way qualified to be president of the United States. Obama was a cypher, a deliberately shrouded figure who looked good long enough to bluff his way into office. Thats his M.O., and everyone should understand it by now. But Mrs. Clinton is a known quantity, and what we know about her should tell even the fairly slow-witted that she doesnt belong in the Oval Office. Can anyone name one thing this woman has accomplished in her long and diverse political career? I mean, other than surviving Benghazi? Other than spinning that massacre as a response to an anti-Islamic video? Other than coining the term “vast right-wing conspiracy” in an effort to discredit those who said, truthfully, that her president husband was having an affair with his intern? What did she do as Senator? What did she do as Secretary of State? What has she written, what has she built, what has she accomplished? What is she, in fact, but a shrill and tired leftist hack, a burned out student activist trying to coast on her unearned fame into the highest office in the land – which she intends to claim as her birthright? What experience, what accomplishment, what integrity or judgment or grace has she ever demonstrated that would even hint at her qualification? She is nothing more than an electable left-leaning woman – as Mr. Obama was little more than what Joe Biden said: “articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” Fall for global warming. Fall for Islam. But dont fall for Hillary. Thats just dumb.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 19:43:57 +0000

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