Glory to God, a Testimony : Is it possible to Force the Hand of - TopicsExpress


Glory to God, a Testimony : Is it possible to Force the Hand of God? is it possible to make God move when there is no other way. I submit to you YES there is a way! I can attest to the truth of this because God has shown me the way to move His heart, and indeed reacted to process. Is it easy, NO Is it fun, NO WAY Is it necessary, MOST DEFINITELY I have been on unemployment, looking for something to supplement our family until Frogtac takes off. We know that it will take off like a plane! Right now, its on the runway, beginning to power up. We were supposed to get 63 weeks of unemployment. Being a Veteran, its supposed to be un-interrupted, As long as I am in touch with my career counselor. Which I have been in contact with weekly for the time I have been receiving it. Two weeks ago, they just ended it. no warning, no letter, no anything. 1 month before it was supposed end. I called the unemployment office and was told that, sometimes these things happen. I could do nothing. I called my pastor, to get prayer, and see if he had any job leads. I RE-applied to walmart and target and hope depot. I even applied to jobs that i could not physically do. Just to take care of my family. I heard back from almost every application in a matter of 2 days. All said the same thing, I am a non competitive applicant -and would not be considered for employment…. So in a desperate rage, of fear and anger, I yelled at God and said this: I refuse to put anything into my body, consume any food, or drink any water, until you bless me. In this physical world that you created. If you dont see fit to bless me then you will bury me! I said this sunday after church. I began to wrestle God, with everything. Life, Love, The kids he gave me, and the fact that have been trying so hard to get over my physical disability, and just move forward. I was in a fog for 2 days. Just mad at everything. Then on the third day, Pastor Dave and I had a meeting at Adams Eden to discuss a program for the youth, this summer. That is also the spot that Frogtac, will be doing survival classes. So the Adams told me that they wanted to promote Frogtacs classes as well as put us on their Websites and add us to their activities. All I told God NOT enough, that blessing was weak! As we got into the car to leave, Pastor Dave said that he wanted to stop by a friends shop. The friend ran a computer shop and might need some extra help. So we went. His friend said that was interested in having me come down with a resume and chat for a bit. I said that i would be down in the morning, first thing! OK God, lets see what you do. I still am not letting go. You havent blessed me yet…. The next day I was there before he opened, and I waited.. one hour, two hours, three and a half, then i left. I got home, and was crushed. I yelled to God, this is far from over.. I had nothing else to do, but press in… Day five, I went back to the shop and waited, one hour…..two hours…..10 minutes later, I told God, that I was going will not let Him go until he Blesses me, I was not going ANYWHERE! I was willing to go the distance and have him bury me. I REFUSE TO LET YOU GO UNTIL HE BLESSED ME!!!!!!!!! About 5 minutes later, The guy pulled up, and went into the shop. I went in and He told me that he was only there for an hour or so. But since i was there, he would talk to me. After a 2 hour meeting with him, I landed the job. After, I got home, I had a call from the Adams, and they had put our info on 2 websites and started to promote our classes.. WOW God had blessed me, I had won this wrestling match. There will be many more to come. But Now, I will be prepared, God has given me the way to his heart, the way that moves him. I could have just given up and let my family down. Or turned to Obama and gone the government route. But i choose to beseech the power of my maker. My faith has been renewed. My God has Moved on my behalf. The angel of God was wrestled to the ground, and the blessing was received. ALL THE GLORY GOES TO GOD ALONE! -JP Harris
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 23:15:46 +0000

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