Gm How many of u know that Jesus will save u.... Jesus gave me a - TopicsExpress


Gm How many of u know that Jesus will save u.... Jesus gave me a parable... In other words he painted a picture to give us a Revelation to come with it.. So we can get a better understanding.. What the Spirit has to say unto the Church..... If u went on a Cruise out on the Ocean and you was so far out there in the Ocean u cant see the shore.... Next thing u know... The pilot of the Ship found out there was a engine problem and... The radar has a Defect in it.. To where it didnt pick up.. So there is no more connection... So the people back on shore do not notice that u have a problem..... In other words u try to disconnect yourself from people that can get a Prayer through..... You dont go to church... You try to deliver yourself and u havent confess that u have a problem.... U dont pray unto God.. U feel like God owe you something... Well let me help u out... The Enemy is trying to Drown u in Sins.. He dont want you to make it in the kingdom.. He dont want you to Give God to what is already do to him... Which is your Praise.... Stop allowing the enemy to keep u Cripple in the Spirit... Also in the Natural... If u r not lock up... If u r not Bed written... If u r not Hospitalized and If u r not working on the clock... You cant forget to Assemble yourself in the House of God.. No there is not a Perfect Church.... Because u have more Spirits that u have to fight... Just to set the Atmosphere.... Flesh has to come subject to the Voice of God... So as the Ship begin to notice it has a Maintenance problem In the engine.... (Heart) In other words..... Dont nobody no that u r Stranded but the Devil... Do he want u to get Help.. No!!!!!!! So the Ships begin to Sank and you cant make it to shore.. Because its to far.. You will get tired in Swimming... So the enemy is trying to Destroy u in your Mess... He is trying to put u out of your misery.... He left u out in Ocean and didnt care if you were stranded.... So the Ship went under water... U have no life Jacket..... So now u out there.. Splashing all that water... Because u r afraid now.... Your life has flash before u... Now u r tired of fighting... I know if you havent prayed u r praying now.... So on this mist of it.. You want Jesus to save u... But long as u were on shore.. U r taking life for Granted... You r not reaching out to Jesus unless you are in trouble... Was u in Church New years Eve r in the club....?? If Jesus would have came that moment were would u be.. Honestly?? C u cant afford to Gamble with your life... Because when you live in this ole World u have to live the Best u no how to the word of God... R we perfect? No we r not.. Will we make mistake .. Yes we will.. We will we fall.. Yes we will So once we stop fighting the water when begin to give up and sink into the Ocean... Then out of the Blue a Mystery ship comes bye were u just went under.. It stop and Reach down into the Deep and pull u out.. He lay u down on the Ship and Begin to do CPR on your Heart..... You begin to Breath... You realize you r Alive... You Realize it was nobody but Jesus that reach way down to Save u... He came to your Rescue... See the Enemy took u out there and he knew you couldnt have made it back.. Re examine your Heart today.. Re examine your circle.. Re examine your lifestyle.. Re examine is your House has any leak in your building... C I give God the Praise he knew we needed our mind set to change.... I pray u Realize Jesus love u and he dont Care who u R and where u r ... If u call on him .. He will answer.. Be bless
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:37:14 +0000

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