Gm fbf!! Work in Progress... You, my brothers, were called to be - TopicsExpress


Gm fbf!! Work in Progress... You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your free­dom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13 I don’t know whether this is true in your part of the country, but here in Southern California almost any business will hire guys to stand on the sidewalk and hold a sign advertising their store. Most signs are painted brightly and are shaped like an arrow, pointing the way toward the supposedly “best deal” in town. Now when it comes to the sidewalks of life, we should probably each be wearing a sandwich board that reads in bold letters, “Work in Progress Here.” I know that’s been the case for me. Whatever season of life you find yourself in, being in Christ means you are a constant work in progress. And, just like someone wearing a sandwich board would attest, being in Christ and therefore a work in progress can be tiring, frustrating, and even embarrassing. In short: it requires both en­durance and humility. But as a follower of Christ, this is the job you signed on for. Though the work may not be easy, the benefits are outstanding. For there are very few things in this world comparable to the daily thrill of learning to love and serve Christ by loving and serving others. Faith is a process of leaping into the abyss not on the basis of any certainty about where we shall land, but rather on the belief that we shall land. - Carter Heyward TODAY’S PRAYER Dear God, please give me patience with myself as I grow in you. When the growing pains get hard and painful, help me to endure. Help me to stay focused on you as you work in and through me. And Lord, please help me to see that my brother is also just a work in progress and requires my patience too. Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 10:57:01 +0000

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