Go DO something. Find a passion. Create something. Love people. - TopicsExpress


Go DO something. Find a passion. Create something. Love people. Help others. The first step is to GET UP. Dont let even one more day pass you by, where you will get to it, where you will begin another day, wait for a better time, or wait until you feel that its better. There are no perfect people, no perfect times, no perfect situations. Get up. Im tired of hearing about friends that pass away but were unhappy or unfulfilled. Too many recently. Too many too close together. Dont fret about your life. Dont *dread* your life. Dont give up on your life. Find what you love. We dont live to work. But we can work and incorporate that into a LIFE. Get up and go labor and work and give yourself permission to be surprised, fascinated even, with the world around you. Ask questions. Learn. Use that to find what you love. For #workaholics or people that constantly stay engaged, its not that we dont have other things we *could* be doing; we are engaged in the things we find fascinating. That sounds exhausting to some, and while everyone cant be engaged every second of every day... everyone CAN find something. That may be work, or working out, or church, socializing, reading, gardening, gaming, or an infinite combination of all of them. Maybe you are really funny, but in a job you dont like because reality necessitates paying bills and involves drudgery. Or maybe you are a curmudgeon, but you are really organized. You can accept that as the finality of your existence. Or, maybe you could use that to find ways to see the world anew through different eyes... Maybe even use that to incorporate helping others youd never normally reach out to... The scary, and sad, truth is we are only given one life. We are only given a finite number of days to labor - to accomplish anything. Ecclesiastes 5:18 points out: Here is what I have seen to be good and fitting: to eat, to drink and enjoy oneself in all ones labor in which he toils under the sun during the few years of his life which God has given him; for this is his reward. Theology or spirituality aside, give yourself permission to love doing something well and using that knowledge to help others around you. That may very well be spiritual in nature. Or maybe it is based in just being nice to someone. Or even just helping out where you can. But whatever it is... Get. Up. Go labor. When you love what you do, its not work...
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 02:25:15 +0000

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