Go Team Villipede! There’s one more week to vote for Darkness - TopicsExpress


Go Team Villipede! There’s one more week to vote for Darkness Ad Infinitum, Villipede’s first dark fiction and horror anthology, in the P&E Readers Poll. (critters.org/predpoll/antho.shtml) Comprised of nineteen fully illustrated stories and poems, we’re very proud of this uniquely twisted little project and the reviews it has received. Here are some of the things people have said about DAI and its contributors... “Villipede Publications has emerged from the darkness to bring its vision to the masses—and does so with strength and clarity...” “horror and dark speculative fiction of the highest caliber” “a true work of art” “a pleasure to behold” “seamless in structure and strong in quality from cover to cover” “The best horror anthology Ive read in 2014 thus far” “a finely balanced blend of horror fiction, poetry, and art” “compelling, well-written, and utterly unique” “Darkness Ad Infinitum is one hell of an anthology” “diverse in style” “The amount of care and imagination placed into creating this anthology is evident on every page...” “A masterful mix of prose, poetry and artwork” “flat out weird” “the essence of classic horror” “Lovecraftian strains pair well with surrealistic nightmares” “The interior design is elegant and unnerving, a true compliment to the stories themselves.” “the cover art is courtesy of Wednesday Wolf, and it is nothing short of terrifying...it strikes a primal nerve within the brain that has the same power as a punch to the throat” “the love for the art form fairly exudes from each page...” “Keep your eye on Villipede Publications.” “The well-suited pictures accompanying each story are impressive in their detail” “The horror between these pages is predominantly of the insidious, creeping variety, its encroachment gradual but eventually all-encompassing.” “Recommended.” “the artwork, by too many contributors to mention here, elevated the fearful feeling of this collection...” “a keeper” “From eldritch lobsters lurking in seas of acid to a darker interpretation of foie gras, every reader is sure to keep their eyes glued to the shadows long after they’ve tucked themselves in for the night.” “Villipede has done a fantastic job assembling this team of writers...” “The title is apt and the thrills plural” “Not your average anthology” “A marvelous melange of horror and downright creepiness” “Buy this anthology now.” Still need a reason to vote? Check it out for yourself! It’s available in both paperback and Kindle editions at amazon/BUY-Darkness-Ad-Infinitum-NOW/dp/0692208992. Thanks to all of our wonderful contributors and to each and every Villipede reader for your support!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 15:41:24 +0000

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