Go to an Evangelical church and do a little survey as people are - TopicsExpress


Go to an Evangelical church and do a little survey as people are walking out to their cars after the church service. Ask the people attending if they can name a single significant event in Church history between AD 500 and 1500. Go ahead. Give it a try and see what you come up with. Then ask them who brought Christianity to England in the Middle Ages. Then ask them if they can tell you when the Bible was compiled into a single book. See if they can narrow it down to within a century. (Hint: The answer is between AD 367 - 400). Then ask them who brought Christianity to England in the Middle Ages. (Hint: St. Augustine of Canterbury) Ask them who brought Christianity to Ireland in the Middle Ages. (Hint: St. Patrick) Ask them if they know who brought Christianity to Northern Europe. (Hint: St. Benedict). Ask them if they know WHY the crusades were fought. (Hint: to combat Islamic jihad) Ask them who the greatest reformer in Christian history was during the late Middle Ages. (Hint: theyll probably say Martin Luther, but the answer is really St. Francis of Assisi). The truth is, and I dare you to try it and see for yourself, most Evangelicals will just look at you with a blank stare. They wont know the answer to any of these questions. Finally, ask them what the Early Christians believed, and what the teaching and practise was of the Ancient Church. Then theyll go into a litany of all kinds of things that look surprisingly similar to the Evangelical church they just walked out of. So the question must be raised; if these people (God bless them) have no clue about Christian history between AD 100 to 1500, then what makes you believe they know what theyre talking about when it comes to Christian history prior to AD 400? The truth is, the AVERAGE Evangelical doesnt know. The AVERAGE Evangelical cant honestly tell you what the Early Christians believed, because he doesnt know. The AVERAGE Evangelical cant honestly tell you what the Ancient Church practised, because he doesnt know. What is especially sad it that the AVERAGE Catholic doesnt know enough to educate and correct the AVERAGE Evangelical when the opportunity arises. I do hope this article will go a little way toward correcting that problem. catholicozarks.blogspot/2014/03/early-christians-and-ancient-church.html
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 15:05:23 +0000

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