God Code Matrix of 188 shared a link. - TopicsExpress


God Code Matrix of 188 shared a link. https://youtube/watch?v=Bl8HkPXadxE&list=UUFjOi1ZpZVErr8EYxg8t1dQ 9/11 TERRORIST PERPS aka UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN & ISRAELI GOVERNMENTS aka AL-CIAduh aka the NWO FEATHERED SERPENT TRINITY of ISIS, OSIRIS & HORUS, STAGE ANOTHER PRE-FALSE FLAG 9/11 RITUAL claiming ISLAMIC MILITANTS (*L*) have the TECHNOLOGY, CAPABILITY and BRAINS to STEAL 11 COMMERCIAL PLANES *and* have them READY for an ATTACK on the most sophisticated MILITARY FORCE ON EARTH within 11 days?!?? Ha ha! theblaze/stories/2014/09/02/report-nearly-a-dozen-commercial-airliners-missing-ahead-of-911-anniversary-after-islamists-overrun-libyan-airport/ Can these Serpentards of the NEW WORLD DISORDER be anymore OBVIOUS, PREDICTABLE or ORIGINAL? But then, what else did you expect??? So we have yet another FALSE FLAG in progress connected to the CABALS FAVORITE Ancient EGYPTIAN Serpent Sun-God ISIS and their favorite OCCULT RITUAL NUMB3R 11 that not only occurs ON a DATE where 911 appears (9/1/14), but of course they had to make sure 11 PLANES DISAPPEARED into THIN AIR (just like MH370) even though everyone knows the US MILITARY possesses advanced RADAR TECHNOLOGY that could EASILY TRACK ANY PLANE they wanted to, let alone 11?!?! SIRIUSly? you cant make this sh#t up folks! just wow. and the CABAL even WARNED US back in AUGUST this was going to happen around 9/11… https://youtube/watch?v=xrMW5Q9E4CI&feature=youtu.be In fact, THEY, along with their MEDIA accomplices, have been hard at work SETTING THIS ENTIRE OPERATION UP for YEARS if not longer because its all part of a poorly made HOLYWood SCRIPT with more HOLES in it than their Saturn MOON Matrix which has been HACKED by GCM and about to be exposed in ways NO ONE has ever been able to do Now if anything were to actually happen like this around 9/11, are people really dumb enough to believe (even if ISIS wasnt sponsored/created by the US/UK/ISRAELI NWO governments, and they ARE), an islamic terrorist group thats stuck in the middle east driving junkyard cars around, has the capability to pull off an OPERATION like this? Plzzz tell me no one HERE believes that. https://youtube/watch?v=xh6XylojNvM But I think the bigger question is… Will the dumbed-down ignorant masses that make up the majority of American Sheople, allow themselves to be HOODWINKED AGAIN even after 13 YEARS of IRREFUTABLE FACTS, EVIDENCE and PROOF anyone with a 1st grade education can access and understand that Controlling Factions within the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT aka PENTAGON/CIA/FBI/NSA and its UK-MOSSAD-NWO allies, were the ones that ORCHESTRATED the FIRST 9/11 in NYC? The only reason these NWO Scumbags can GET AWAY with something THIS BIG,,, AGAIN, is if Americans HAVENT LEARNED their LESSON. In which case, as they say… YOU DESERVE WHAT YOU TOLERATE. So lets hope enough out there understand the basic concept that AWARENESS and KNOWLEDGE can Disrupt, Thwart, Minimize and REMOVE the FEAR these sic Masonic Serpentoids of Skull & Boneheads are going to try to create again for yet another MASSIVE 9/11ANNIVERSARY RITUAL PART 2. And YES, at the DEEPEST LEVEL aka LEVEL THEY OPERATE ON, this far more than a just merely a RELIGIOUS WAR between Islam and Judeo-Christians which has actually been ENGINEERED by this Ancient Masonic Sun ocCULT EONS AGO…. In other words, the most important FIRST STEP for the PEOPLE to take in order to STOP this group and CHANGE or FLIP the Cabals SCRIPT, is to understand the ugly truth that... A) These events are all connected to ANCIENT RITUALS involving HUMAN SACRIFICE since after all, its CENTRAL to the twisted RELIGION of the PTB/ELITE who control all levels of our world… because WE LET THEM! B) THEY have been hiding, hoarding and using Ancient Knowledge of Earths Grid & Ley-Lines against the people which was HAARPs techKNOWLEDGEy mostly given to them by certain extremely advanced NON-HUMAN Groups theyve been working with for a VERY LONG TIME. C) Its time for people to not only wake up and CONFRONT this ugly truth that the masses have been PROGRAMMED by the CONTROL MATRIX to RIDICULE and NOT BELIEVE IN, but begin educating themselves on Ancient Knowledge, Sacred Geometry and LEY LINES so that humans can take back what was stolen and learn to live in a more harmonic balance with each other AND the PLANET which this DISEASE known as the NWO (the people have allowed to flourish), has been DESTROYING. But thats just my 1.88 SENSE and todays GCM rant So Heads up, Eyes open and NO FEAR folks WE DO NOT CONSENT because these events dont have to happen. wnd/2014/09/11-jetliners-missing-after-islamist-takeover-of-airport/ ===================================================== US officials say 11 commercial aircraft have gone missing from Tripoli International Airport in Libya – ahead of the 13th anniversary of the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington. news.au/world/africa/missing-jetliners-raise-fear-of-new-911style-attacks-after-libyan-airport-falls-to-islamic-militants/story-fnh81gzi-1227046071700 foxnews/politics/2014/09/02/report-missing-libyan-jetliners-raise-fears-suicide-airliner-attacks-on-11/ metro.co.uk/2014/09/03/11-aircraft-are-missing-from-terrorist-held-tripoli-airport-ahead-of-911-anniversary-4855212/ 11 jetliners ‘missing’ after Islamist takeover of airport wnd A Free Press For A Free People Since 1997
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 20:40:03 +0000

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