God Does - Idols Dont But our God is in the heavens: he hath done - TopicsExpress


God Does - Idols Dont But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased. Psalm 115: 3, HCSB You might read this passage of Scripture and contend that idols are so Old Testament. The truth is that idols are as current as the last person, place, or thing we placed on the thrones inside our hearts. Anything less than God worship is self worship. We become what we behold. We are measured by what we treasure and by what brings us pleasure. Idols are made of metal, wood, or stone which God created out of nothing. Idols can’t speak, hear, see, feel, walk, or breathe. They are lifeless and helpless to do anything for us. That colorful race car looks great. When you lift the hood and see no engine, you know it’s not going anywhere. Those figures in the wax museum might look like they are breathing, but nobody’s home. Man didn’t make God. God made man. Since the beginning, man has created objects of worship. The God of the universe can do anything, knows everything, and lives everywhere. Why would anyone idol-eyes an idle idol? Father, help me remove anyone or anything that takes Your place in my life.
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 12:10:34 +0000

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