God Draws Out the Best in You By Jim Burns Just as you - TopicsExpress


God Draws Out the Best in You By Jim Burns Just as you received Christ Jesus our Lord, continue to live in him. Colossians 2:6 Jesus had the power to draw out the best in people. He met a clumsy, big-mouthed fisherman named Simon. Jesus looked beyond Simons present abilities and looked at his potential. He looked Simon straight in the eye and said, So you are Simon the son of John? Simon nodded. Jesus said, You shall be called Peter. Peter means rock. Jesus nicknamed Simon Peter The Rock. At the time Simon Peter was anything but a rock of a person. Yet Jesus saw his potential, and this fisherman became the rock-solid leader of the Jerusalem church. Throughout the Bible we meet different individuals who had an encounter with God and became different people. Abram became Abraham, the father of a multitude of nations. Jacob met God and became Israel, which means soldier of God. It is important for you to know that God affirms you as He affirmed Bible characters. He loves you and will draw out the best in you. He sees you not only for who you are but for who you can be.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 05:13:41 +0000

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