God Has a Spouse For You! God knows only too well the longing you - TopicsExpress


God Has a Spouse For You! God knows only too well the longing you have (painful at times) of wanting to be married to the right person, yet not being able to find that special someone is what causes it. Can you remember all the questions you had within yourself for God: Am I really supposed to be married? Would You give me or allow me to have the desire to be married and not fulfill it? Are my desires godly? Am I doing what I need to be doing? How will I know they are right for me? Where are they and when will it happen? Can you relate? Do you know intimately these questions within yourself? Do you want to be married? God gives sound Biblical, practical and wise answers to each and every one of those questions. I believe that if you take the time to search the scriptures as to how the prophet sent out his servant and the servant asked God to have him meet a woman who would do and say certain things, you will walk away with a clear understanding of what God wants for you. God had her be at the well at the same time as he was and actually did more than he had asked. Notice he nor she prayed out of desperation or fear, but spoke out exactly what they wanted in their petition and vision they gave God and He brought the two matching requests together. Doesn’t the Word say, “this is the confidence we have in Him that if we speak out anything according to His will, we have the petitions we command to be done in our life? Yeshua said if you abide in Him and His Words abide in you, you will command out what is your heart’s desire and it shall be done. God wants you to be greatly encouraged, not frustrated and when you let Him work out what you speak into the heavens, you will have gained the faith to press forward in your journey with confidence! God loves relationship. He loves bringing a man and woman together in holy matrimony. And He has been doing it ever since Adam and Eve. Man gets clouded in their mind about who their mate should be and make decisions out of their flesh and feelings. Let God join together the two so no man can put asunder. Man puts themselves under curses with their traditional sayings of in sickness and health, for richer or poorer and never says that they are being joined as Gods choice and will walk in His Word for riches, health, joy and peace that He provides and commands to be in our life. Satan hates divine God led marriages because of the Unity and Agreement with Truth. You are a three part creation. The spirit deals with the spirit realm and is to destroy the spirits there that want to trap and distract you from Truth. The soul is to think on whatsoever is pure, lovely, virtuous of good report and be one with the truth and bring into captivity every THOUGHT and imagination that exalts itself against what God says. The body is to control the physical by subduing it and taking dominion over it and reconcile it back to God by the Light revealed to the mind and spirit. People get so caught up in the flesh they don’t develop the mind and spirit to Gods Word, but accepts man’s teachings that agree with the senses. How many times do people make a mistake and cry and tell God, “I’m sorry”, but never repent of it and turn from making it again. That is putting yourself in condemnation and there is no condemnation to those who are in the Anointing of Yeshua. God’s Word says He remembers your “SINS” = faults and learned habits by accepting flesh led darkness, NO MORE and has put them as far as the east is from the west. Why do you uncover them and beg God who can’t see them? God says He cleansed you and made you whiter than snow which is clear crystals. You are in a covenant = “where the Blood flows.” Here are 8 steps to take and rectify them to find the mate God has for you. Eight means new beginnings. 1. Ask yourself, do I really want to get married or do I live in “BUT WHAT IF” OR WHAT ABOUT THIS. Unless you want to remain a virgin for God, the answer is yes because it was His idea for man to marry and be fruitful. He wants no one in the “I am not sure” mindset. 2. What is my core belief about myself? Do I only place my mind on bad habits or what God says and covers them by His Love? God says “as a man thinks in his spirit, so is he. Are you putting down that which God cleansed? If you are fit enough for God to make you His offspring, then that should be good enough for you also. 3. Develop and be confident about who you are in the Anointing, but don’t get prideful. Do as the Word says and speak out to yourself that Holy Spirit HAS PURGED your mind of being sin conscious and be free of dead works. 4. Define your dream and vision of who you want as a mate and with what qualifications. You do that in buying a car! Without a vision My people are destroyed by flesh seeing and thinking. Man is created in Gods image and likeness of being able to create the same way He does with Spirit and Life Words. Man creates destruction and allows loss by speaking out fears, and death words in agreement with the world which is flesh seeing and speaking. Don’t fleece God with wanting man to bring you a word or confirmation. God will do that the same way He verified my calling. 5. Walk in the power of expectation. Do you really expect God to honor His Word or is it too big for your imagination. The word “hope” in Faith is the substance of things “HOPED” for means you greatly expect to receive it because you are a child of God and Yeshua said He will. His Will is in the petition you submit by the provisions of the Blood. 6. Seek and you will find. This is two-fold. You have to look for anyone who fits your vision of a married partner. The other meaning of “seek” means to worship God by praising Him for bringing it about whether you see it in five minutes or 5 years. What does a child do when it asks the parents for a gift? They ask and then brag about getting it to their friends. 7. Make right confessions. I make a lot of things for my household and build them with the words and vision that is in my head. People ask, where are the blueprints and I show them my head. Don’t let people speak to you otherwise when you speak to the tree, but do as Yeshua did! 8. Prepare yourself for victory through spiritual growth. Entrust your spirit, soul and body in God and not what man says about God whom 99.9 percent have never seen even in their so called near death experiences. Let Holy Spirit direct your path. Prophet Joe Dooly
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 20:11:37 +0000

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