God Is Repairing The Broken Cisterns by Julie Price The - TopicsExpress


God Is Repairing The Broken Cisterns by Julie Price The Lord kept drawing me to Jeremiah 2:13, “for my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.” As I pondered this scripture I began to realize what He was saying to me. You see, deep within our hearts we all have a longing; a longing that doesn’t go away. And sometimes we don’t even realize it, but we try to fulfill that longing with things besides the Lord. Sure it’s true that to some degree, many of us turn to God when our heart is longing. But….we also turn to other things too. Beloved, I believe God wants you to hear something in His great love for you today. You have probably heard this phrase before, ‘It’s a God-shaped hole”. Well, it really is. And you need ALL of God in this hole. Not God and some other stuff, but all God and all the time. What things have you tried to fill your cistern up with; your God-shaped hole? Maybe its food, or TV or hours of shopping. Maybe it’s new clothes on a regular basis. Is it another self-help book? Maybe you work extra hours or talk to your friends for hours. If we are honest with ourselves, we will admit this is temporary relief and the deep longing in our heart remains. Why? Because our cisterns are cracked and everything we try to fill it up with runs out; leaving no lasting affect on our lives. These are the broken cistern’s of our lives that God wants to awaken you to today. He wants you to see the things you are giving your heart away to and give your heart over wholly to Him. Listen, your house will never be nice enough. Your car will never be new enough. Your clothes will never be stylish enough. Why? Because it’s a God-shaped hole. Your cistern is cracked and in need of repair, and the answer is to give your heart wholly over to Him. Every piece of it. Jesus will satisfy every longing in your soul. Drink from the only fountain with living water ~ JESUS CHRIST! Ask Him to heal you from the holes in your soul. Ask Him for forgiveness for the times you have tried to fill your God-shaped hole with anything other than Him. God is willing and waiting for you to come to Him. He wants to repair your broken cistern to be filled with His living water. AMEN! FUEL UP! John 7:38, “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 06:24:23 +0000

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