God Praise God AMEN ! THANK YOU LORD THE ALPHA AND OMEGA part - TopicsExpress


God Praise God AMEN ! THANK YOU LORD THE ALPHA AND OMEGA part 9 Our Lord called Himself the Alpha and the Omega in Greek, the Aleph and the Tau in Hebrew, or the A and the Z in English, or its equivalent in any other language, without in the least altering the figure of its significance. Alphabetical languages usually have the letters arranged in a fixed order. The first is often used as a symbol of the beginning and the last for the ending. That is, our Lord claims to be what letters and language were meant to be, namely the expression of truth. HE IS T-H-E W-O-R-D – the expression of the totality of God’s nature, wisdom, power, purpose and substance from first to last. God is a spirit – an invisible, incorporeal, intangible, unapproachable Spirit. But that hidden and unsearchable One may be uttered, expressed, manifested. And that utterance, that expression, that manifestation of invisible Godhead is the Christ, the Logos, the Word – God projected from the plane of the invisible, intangible and unknowable into the realm of the visible, tangible, and knowable. In that long ago beginning all things were created in the Christ, and apart from Him, outside of Him was not anything made that was made. In Christ Jesus we see clearly our very own origin in God! In Christ Jesus we see perfectly the original state of all things! Oh, my Christ and my God! In Thee I see how I, and all men, and all things once were! My God and my Christ! In Thee I see how I, and all men, and all things shall again be! My Lord, that is the Word that Thou art to me! In God’s revelation of Himself and His plan of the ages He has used many characters, but the first one was Christ and the last one will be Christ again. All commences and concludes in Him! Christ is the Alpha and the Omega. Only the glorious mind of Christ can reveal to our hearts what that means! Through a glass darkly I can see that He was the first, “before all things.” Can I also believe that HE IS THE LAST? If He is the beginning, can my feeble mind dare to comprehend what it signifies when He says that He is also the END? Surely Ephesians, chapter one, makes this as clear as it can be at this juncture in our understanding. Paul says that “God…chose us in Christ before the world began.” He goes on from that beginning out of eternity to reach forth to that which will be at the conclusion of all ages of time, declaring that God is “making known to us the mystery of His will – of His plan, of His purpose. And it is this: In accordance with His good pleasure which He hath previously purposed and set forth in Him, He planned for the maturity of the times and the climax of the ages to unify all things and head them up and CONSUMMATE THEM I-N C-H-R-I-S-T…in Him also we had been foreordained in accordance with His purpose” (Eph. 1:4,9-11). All that began in Christ – and that was all things, everything! – shall end in Christ, that He may be the first and the last, the beginning and the end. If you can conceive of God taking Eve and putting her back into Adam, as it was in the beginning, then you may also understand what is this glorious purpose that transcends Adam and Eve – when God takes the whole vast creation and MAKES IT ONE IN CHRIST AGAIN! All of mankind’s yearnings and searching after God to fully know Him shall find their complete and eternal satisfaction there where all things are brought back into Christ. The First and the Last bring before us both the time element and the substance of creation. “For out of Him everything comes; through Him everything exists; and in Him everything ends! Glory to Him forever!” (Rom. 11:36, Goodspeed). “For out of Him and through Him and to Him are all things. For all things originate with Him and come from Him; all things live through Him, and all things center in and tend to consummate and to end in Him. To Him be glory forever!” (Amplified Bible). Truly HE is the beginning and the end of all things! The beginning, precious friend of mine, was not a date on the calendar. The beginning was and is a glorious Person – our Lord Jesus Christ! Christ Himself is the beginning! If you consider with reverent honesty these words of significance and truth, you will understand as never before the spiritual words which open our Bible: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” IN THE BEGINNING! “I am the beginning.” Thus, the spiritual translation of the first verse of scripture should read, “IN THE CHRIST God created the heavens and the earth.” Jesus Christ is “the beginning of the creation of God” (Rev. 3:14). All things were created in this beginning! The beginning is neither time nor place. The beginning is Christ Himself! In Him all things were created and set in order in the beauty and unity and perfection and harmony of the Spirit of God! What has now been provided in Christ is a re-turn, a re-storation, a re-newing, a re-demption, a re-conciliation, a re-surrection, a re-stitution. The prefix “re” means BACK, AGAIN, ANEW – and all the words with this prefix indicate something that LEFT ITS PLACE AND HAS NOW MADE ITS CIRCUIT AND COME BACK TO THE POINT OF ITS BEGINNING. Oh, mighty Christ! All God’s sons are coming home, All God’s sons are coming home; Home to the Father, home to the throne, All God’s sons are coming home! All creation is coming home, All creation is coming home; Home to the Father, home to the Son, All creation is coming home! Coming home, coming home, Never more to roam; Open wide Thy arms of love, Lord, I’m coming home!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 19:03:52 +0000

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