God Started His Nation With One Man It was in such a world, which - TopicsExpress


God Started His Nation With One Man It was in such a world, which had strayed far from God and knowledge of the glorious benefits of God’s rule and the worship of the true God, that one man was honest and upright, submissive and teachable, strong and purposeful. So God gave him a test command of obedience. To this man, Abram, God commanded: “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation …” (Genesis 12:1-2). Here was a command, which was a condition and a PROMISE, provided the condition of obedience was met. And so now, as God had started the whole world with one man, He started His own peculiar nation in the world from one single man—Abraham. As the world, which has strayed far from God and the blessings of God’s worship and rule, was started with one man who rebelled against God and rejected His rule, so God’s own flesh-born nation, from which is to be reborn the Kingdom of God, was started with one man who obeyed God without question, and accepted His divine rule. Did Abram stop to argue and reason? Did he say: “Let’s reason this out a bit first; here I am in Babylon, in the very center of all this world’s commerce, society and gaiety. Why can’t you just as well give me this promise right here, where everything is pleasant and alluring? Why must I leave all this and go over to that uncivilized land?” Did Abram quibble, resist, argue, rebel? He certainly did not! The inspired Scripture account states simply: “So Abram departed.” There was no arguing with God. There was no human reasoning that God was wrong. There were no foolish questions: “Why must I leave here?” “Can’t I do as I please?” There was no stopping to say, “Well, here’s the way I look at it.” “Abram departed.” Just plain, unquestioned obedience! And God established this man, whose name He later changed to Abraham, as the father of His nation, Israel! To Abraham and his descendants were all the promises of God made. And we must become like Abraham, and through Christ one of his children, if we are to inherit the promise of eternal life in God’s Kingdom. Of His peculiar flesh-born nation, Israel, the Eternal said: “This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise” (Isaiah 43:21). That prophecy shall yet—and soon—be fulfilled!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 22:21:42 +0000

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