God doesnt make His children stupid, at least He didnt make me not - TopicsExpress


God doesnt make His children stupid, at least He didnt make me not aware of the devils traps. For he sets up many along the way to our destiny. God told me,I know the plans I have for you, never to harm you. When a persons plans go against Gods, they need to check with Gods because they can be aborted into obscurity quickly!! No matter how it looks or seems, I will make all kinds of plans, but inside of me when a alarm goes off thats my signal to abort some well made plans, however they seem. Sounds good, looks good, but not for you. My daughter, beware of wolves in sheeps clothing!! Quite a package, but a spiritual setup. Do not indulge, it is stamped all over it. For this very reason we obtain Godly wisdom and knowledge. We are not to let go of that, I have learned. God fights for us, always. All that glitters is not gold. I can spot a imitation a mile away. Nothing is better than pure gold over cubic zirconia or real leather over pleather, big difference. Never play to long with the devil because someone falls in the ditch that has been dug. This is warefare at its best. Sometimes it may seem to others that you fall for the okey doke but I dont. I will give you enough rope to hang yourself. Beware we have a real enemy out here who desires to sift us as wheat. He shall not win, not thru this venue. Get over the fact that everybody loves you and is for you. I have learned that they are not, no matter how the package looks. You may be holding a stick of dynamite. Throw it away, dont let it explode, it could be crucial. The devil is not coming with horns and a pitchfork.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 19:09:58 +0000

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