“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I - TopicsExpress


“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Your attitude to what happens to you is critical if you are going to have a fulfilled life. A bad attitude is like a flat tyre, you cannot move until you change it. In fact, it is your attitude that determines your altitude. Shantideva, an 8th century Buddist scholar, said: “If there is a remedy when trouble strikes, what reason is there for despondency? And if there is no help for it, what is there in being sad? We shorten our lives by getting unnecessarily upset and unduly angry about things we cannot change. My advice: Don’t fret and be discouraged over situations totally beyond your control. Do nothing, about what you can do nothing about. Attitude is the ability to adjust within an instant, your motives and objectives without altering the ultimate goal. It is the disposition that empowers the ability to develop right motives and good reasons at any time. This in turn allows you to develop courage and endow power to your pursuit of personal purpose. A wrong definition of reasons and motives will always lead to self- sabotage because it gives birth to a negative attitude towards your situation. It will beat you down, incapacitate you and paralyse you in situations that you shouldn’t be losing your peace over. Life demands that you master your attitude. Bring yourself into management by yourself, no matter the external prevalences. Forward movement in life is always achieved from intrinsic and constant attitude adjustment that comes from well defined values an motives. What you do is subject to you and not vise versa. You can run your life and make changes that deem fit and the realisation of that authority will place you in command even when life wants to steal your power. Instead of succumbing to the tantrums of your body, the pain of inconvenience and the discomfort of change, talk tough to yourself instead of crying, recruiting sympathisers and playing victim. Choose to do the right thing, be happy despite the predicament. Laugh instead of crying
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 19:34:54 +0000

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