God is committed to perform whatever you release from your mouth; - TopicsExpress


God is committed to perform whatever you release from your mouth; and when God is committed, no devil can resist Him...Until you open your mouth wide against sickness, you wont be free from it. Until you open your mouth wide against poverty, lack and want wont leave you alone. God Himself never saw a world, until He issued forth a command And God said... If He couldnt escape the law of utterance for performance, you cant. Therefore, Your words are forces of deliverance and when in faith you say, I can never be stranded, you have devastated the camp of the enemy, no matter how many of them are gathered against you. I release you for supernatural manifestation From Season of Confrontation..(2)Prayer for Breaking-forth: Father God, I receive as a matter of urgency divine assistance to speak rightly; to speak words that men and Angels shall obey; to speak deliverance and breakthrough to every area that broke me down. You have given me a mouth and I have your Word too; no man shall conquer your word in my mouth. I cannot be limited! I shall not die without fulfilling my purpose on earth. Sickness and laziness is not permitted to stop me from becoming what I am created to become in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the HolyGhost Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 09:25:35 +0000

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