God is in charge. (For in Him we have our being) Acts - TopicsExpress


God is in charge. (For in Him we have our being) Acts 17:28 Message by Bishop George Mbulo: The Apostle Paul in Acts 17:28 says God Himself gives everyone life and breath and in everything else it is He that is in charge. God is in charge because He has given us breath. In Him we move and are able to move because He allows us to actively engage in activity. You are riding on Gods providence. In Him we have our being: The very nature of who you are is in God. (Genesis 5:1-2). In the beginning when God created man He created them in His own image. That image has never been taken away. It has been messed with and distorted by things of this world but has never been taken away. (Colossians 1:17). It may seem as though life is solid and put together but it is the Lord that holds you together. It is in Him that we have our being, even when you have sinned and fallen short of His glory the impartation on your being is still in printed and can never be taken away. The Human spirit given by God is the substance of our existence. (Ecc 12:6-7): Your significance and substance is in God. It is Him alone that keeps your life intact and in place. A time may come when the core of your make up is threatened and breaks into pieces, in such times remember who is in charge. When the end comes be secure and confident in the one in charge! God created us with the capacity to preserve ourselves through various means but alas a time comes when He says Hand it over and life ceases. Death is an equalizing factor. The only hope we have is when we live in honor of the one who is in charge. Take care of your being, if you fail at it He will have no value for you. Hell is a dump for souls that never realized their value in God nor their sole purpose of existence. The Human spirit given by God and touched by the Holy Spirit is the substance of our worship, (John 4:24-25): When you have crossed over into eternity the anthem of heaven will resound in celebration because you valued your life. You lived, moved and had your being in God. You will be celebrated and given your due honor. Your being, nature and substance should worship God. We thank God for the people in leadership, for all the men and women that have brought us this far as a nation BUT GOD IS THE ULTIMATE IN CHARGE. Regardless of the schemes and the plans of man, God is in charge. His banner of peace reigns on high over this land. His voice alone will have the final say over Zambia, every other voice is silenced! Let God arise and scatter all His enemies. One Zambia one nation, we will prevail. GOD IS IN CHARGE.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 16:34:33 +0000

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