God moves in a coffee house: An ordinary night became a - TopicsExpress


God moves in a coffee house: An ordinary night became a supernatural night Last night I was in a coffee house in East Bridgewater, Mass. As I sat watching people come in I had no idea what God had intended for the night. A coffee house usually is where music is shared and people come from different churches and often they invite people who have not committed to Christ. That is exactly the group that gathered. There was one huge exception this was not going to be a just a normal coffee house. There was barely a seat available. From what I was told this was very unusual. People had no idea what to expect but they were told that something supernatural would occur but they weren’t prepared for what was going to take place. After a time of worship with John Polce I got up and quoted I Samuel 10:6 – “the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will prophesy with them and be turned into another man.” I stated as I often do that when the Spirit of God comes on you (not if it comes) that God will empower us to breathe/speak life and WE WILL BE CHANGED INTO ANOTHER MAN. Verse 7 “And let it be, when these signs come to you, that you do as the occasion demands; for God is with you.” When the anointing comes on you we should DO AS THE OCCASION DEMANDS. In other words we need to discern God’s heart for the moment rather than coming with a planned agenda. Imagine you are standing in a room of people not knowing what you are to do and I told everyone present that I didn’t know what to do but I said I’m asking God as I speak to you to help me capture His heart for the night. Before I forget a long time servant a man who has served me for years showed up to support me with prayer and to stand behind people as I prayed for them. It’s a good thing he did. Later he told me that on several occasions it took all of his strength not to fall down. Thanks CF… Now what? From this point forward I approached people that God was showing me. As the Holy Spirit spoke to people they whole heartily affirmed that what was spoken was 100% accurate. If that wasn’t shocking enough as I laid hands on people most of them could not stand up. The majority of the people had never seen or experienced the overwhelming presence of God. As I begin to pray for people they would say I am not going to fall down. I said that was fine that they didn’t have to. I chuckled inside because I knew what was coming next. Sure enough down they went. God stepped into their lives and began to transform them. The Holy Spirit identified gifts, people’s pain and solutions for their problems. A Holy hush encompassed the room as people experienced the presence of God for the first time in their lives. Many people testified that they were healed physically. As I looked at the people it was like the “deer in the headlights stare.” As the night progressed there was a sense of awe and wonder. People were delighting in God and in His presence. At one point I felt that the expectation in God was lifting and the performance mentality entered the room. Discerning this I told everyone what I was sensing and that I would not leave what the Holy Spirit was doing and begin to operate in my gift apart from God’s direction and favor. So I knew that I needed as well as they needed to take our eyes off of me and to put them back where they should be – on the Lord. After two worship songs the performance spirit was gone God refilled the room with His presence. I prophesied and prayed over a number of people and the majority of them ended up on the carpet. One woman said I’m not going to fall (she said this later on as well) found herself on the floor and after a period of time said “how did I get here?” What a joy and honor to see lives changed. I will once again testify of the goodness, the mercy, the compassion and the transforming power of God. We were not called to live ordinary lives but extraordinary lives. Today and every day the Holy Spirit will be with you. He will led us, guide us and teach us what to do and not what to do. Have an supernatural day!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 10:45:38 +0000

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