God revealed my heart to me some more. He said "have you noticed - TopicsExpress


God revealed my heart to me some more. He said "have you noticed that you cling to those who i separate you from? you do this because you yearn for a brotherly connection that you feel in your heart, and not just through scripture. You do this because you want a brother: not just because your told to be brothers, but one who you feel, in your heart, is your brother, so i will deliver one to you." Lord whoever it is.. I love them already. God always knows man. like always. even before we know our own heart. He knows. and whats crazy is that he wont reveal our whole heart to us at one time, but he takes us on a life long journey. And on this journey we learn to appreciate the things we see, the people we meet, and the lives we touch. Love is a lifelong journey, keep on loving and learn to appreciate the things along the way. Its the things you experience along the way that have great importance in your life. the bible says "Walk before me, and be thou perfect" Genesis 17:1
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 16:19:31 +0000

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