Golden Eagle, DC Comics Justice League of America #116, March - TopicsExpress


Golden Eagle, DC Comics Justice League of America #116, March 1975. Though there was a Post-Crisis version and a second more modern overhaul, Golden Eagle first appeared Pre-Crisis and was an orphan by the name of Charley Parker from Midway City. He was an orphan who idolized Hawkman, and sent the Winged Wonder a fan letter describing his home-made costume. In Justice League of America #109, Hawkman was ordered back to Thanagar, thus resigning from the JLA. Golden Eagle debuted seven issues later. Parker himself explained that one day he had been wearing his Hawkman costume and fantasizing he was the Thanagarian hero when a strange light enveloped him turning his costume into an exact replica of Hawkmans. A cosplayer origin long before the term was coined! He also gained the ability to fly due to the replicated wings. Charley could at will change his street clothes into the Golden Eagle costume. The Justice League was called by the Midway City Police due to several incidents where criminals were dropped off at the police headquarters, captured by someone unknown who left a gold colored feather behind—Hawkmans old modus operandi. The Leaguers investigated and ran into the Golden Eagle. At the end of the story, Charley was changed back into a normal teenager. Charley was seen again in the following Justice League of America issue, as Green Arrow took him aboard the JLA satellite as a new mascot (kind of like Snapper Carr). Apparently he failed the Snapper Entrance Exam because he promptly vanished. In 1977, he re-appeared as a member of Teen Titans West. Following the Titans West storyline, he vanished yet again until the retconned versions showed up years later, or when he was glimpsed in flashback sequences of Beast Boy/Changeling.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 22:57:31 +0000

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