Good Day Facebook Christian Family Friends... Friday \ - TopicsExpress


Good Day Facebook Christian Family Friends... Friday \ September 12, 2014....08:470 AM... ☀️⚡️☀️ #AmenHallelujah ! ☀️⚡️☀️ #AmenHallelujah ! Thank You Lord Jesus ; I Praise and Worship You Oh, My God, The Lord, Jesus Christ Gods only son and sits at the right of Gods Hand and Our Savior you are with me everyday of my life...(I will be honest with you, I have forgotten in the past to say my prayers to you Jesus, I am so sorry). ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank You Lord Jesus ; For today is a time to be thankful and grateful, for our Jesus kept your family in a sound sleep, and hoping Jesus keeps your family healthy body, mind, and all your souls. Make sure you say your prayers tonight so Jesus will wake you up happy in the morning. Hopefully may my friends also have thank you for the same and said their prayers to you for blessings given. ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank You Lord Jesus ; For all that You, Jesus Our Lord and Savior have provided and have done, in a time of need in all of our lives and our familys lives and all the blessing You Jesus Our Christ have given to us. ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank You Lord Jesus.; Dear Lord Jesus hoping you will bless all my friends and family on this day. Please Lord Jesus look out and see all the unfortunate people, that are homeless, food less, and struggle from day to day to live. Please help them in what ever way you possible can, they are really helpless as the USA takes care of everyone but our own. . ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank You Lord Jesus; Lord Jesus right now on Mother Earth there is here is such an overabundance of the population of the human race. At this point we cant take care also so many people that really need it, please bless them with Your spirit and dive into their hearts and let them know your there for them. ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank you Lord Jesus ; You have given us times to remember and times for us to forget, the times to remember shall be cherished, the ones to forget, be erased. Never let any kind of people who have passionate dislikes or unfriendliness, or hostility towards us enter into our lifes. I will pray for them always as they need it. ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank you Lord Jesus ; For putting people into my life for me to love and to be loved and for all the good times and good friends that You provided to me in my life time. Bless these people as well, because they are some of the best of the best. ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank you Lord Jesus ; That I am fortunate enough to have a roof over my head, food in my mouth, a bed /w blankets and pillows, and a shower /w clean clothes and all the needs of life. May you Jesus see to blessing and helping the very less fortunate in our world, their are so many people that need you. ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank You Lord Jesus ; May you see to the needs my body requires right now, Im not ready to leave as I have a lot to take care of still. Hoping you keep my family healthy, happy, and God like, as I pray for it everyday. Bless all my friends with good health. ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank you Lord Jesus ; Please allow my daughter get rid of the cancer beast inside of her, let the treatments work and make her a whole and happy woman, for once in her life. I will pray for the pill addict thats ruining her life and her kids lifes, may you please help him. My daughter Praises and Worships you from the bottom of her heart and needs you so much. Help her to get into your life. ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank you Lord Jesus ; Please I am begging you to either< **help him** >or hes lost with the pill addiction. He doesnt want help at all and that piece of shit waste is just taking up room and time in her life. She pays for everything as he doesnt even wok at 33 years old with three little boys. My grand-boys they need her time the house needs her time and hes a waste of all of their time. Please Jesus forgive me, but shes my daughter, and if am begging, praying, crying, they all deserve much more as her has been crap for 15 years. ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank you Lord Jesus; For me to know that You are coming back to put everything back in order. I pray for all the people who dont know you and cant see that You are coming very soon, its judgement time. I will continue to spread Your Word, please help me to be the best Christian I can be for You and give me the knowledge I need. ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank you Lord Jesus ; For allowing me to spread what little I know about the Bible, but to spread a lot of what I know about End-Times, to people I personally know. So many dont know you with a relationship or know of your coming soon. They all just tell me I believe in **GOD** but I always tell its a lot more than that, and I will help you always. ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank you Lord Jesus ; Please let the catholic people see that they are going in the wrong direction. It is so hard to change a catholic persons mind on their catholic beliefs because, **Once A Catholic, Always A Catholic**. I dont understand it, some of them are very good Christians, who practice a very evil religion. ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! Thank you Lord Jesus ; I pray that the Catholic people who doesnt know the Bible or reads the Bible so they **NO NOTHING** just like I did, that they will find the Holy Bible and read the real word, not the book of Catholicism that tell you about being catholic. No false idols, GOD means, a statue called Mary, saints statues and metals there are all false idols. ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️Thank You Jesus For Everything ; ☀️I Praise You and I Worship You ; ☀️I have a LOVE for you like know other kind ; ☀️Like I tell you daily, I LOVE you so much; ☀️☀️I Love You so You Rock My World☀️☀️ ☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️☀️I keep you locked in most deepest softest part my heart, only you get there..You are my All☀️ Amen. Hallelujah ! ☀️☀️I Love You so You Rock My World☀️☀️ ☀️⚡️☀️ #AmenHallelujah ! ☀️⚡️☀️ #AmenHallelujah ! Your Facebook Christian Family Friend, Debi Schiebel Yost-McCormick ☀️⚡️☀️ #GDFCFF.#GDFCFFri... ☀️⚡️☀️ #September122041200AM... 〽️ #WrittenbyDSYM〽️
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:40:11 +0000

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