Good Morning All! Well as always, Sunday service was exciting - TopicsExpress


Good Morning All! Well as always, Sunday service was exciting and enlightening! Agape had its first baptism...thats right...the very first!!! Those baptized openly stated, I am apart of the Family - the Jesus crew. Tears were flowing, many were clapping, pictures were snapping, phones were recording, because our hearts were filled with joy! Five new souls were welcomed into this illustrious family, thats enough to shout about right there...Hallelujah! I guess the question is, What happens now? Well my Pastor gave us some insight on what it means to be a child of the King...on what it means to be apart of this great family...on what it means to be a Christian! Here we go...I suggest you sit down for this one, because its pretty heavy... Title: What does it mean to be called a Christian? Scripture: Acts 11:19-26 1. Accept adversity as an opportunity for the gospel to go forth (Verse 19 & 20) - if we let the truth be told, when we are going through any difficult situation, we are not doing as James suggested...(James 1:2-4...Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds,because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.) Its like really James;however, his insight is true, and you have to know that Jesus is right there with you every step of the way! Like Pastor P. said, Instead of focusing on why, keep your eyes on the [prize] - Gods will for your life. (Romans 8:28...and we know all things work together for the good of them who love God, and who are called according to His purpose) a). Remember our sufferings are for Gods work and His purpose b). Although it doesnt feel good, know that God is at work (James 1:2-4) c). God uses persecution to shake our comfort zone I told you it was going to get deep, and I have (6) more points to go... 2. Christians are willing to tell anyone about Jesus (Verse 20) - So, here is your chance to be bold today. God will give you the words to say and he will put you in position to share with believers and non-believers. Its coming, so dont miss your God moment! 3. Christians will have the hand of the Lord with them (Verse 21) - When folks see you who do they see...are they guessing to see who you will be today or do they know without a shadow of a doubt that you are in the the family of the Most High? Remember you are someone who has been marked by God for something great! Im excited for you!!! (Luke 1:66...what manner of child shall this be! And the hand of The Lord was with him.) 4. Christians change the environment without the environment changing them (Verse 21) - Pastor posed a question that I will ask you, What name have you earned in your current environment? You dont have to tell me, but its definitely something to think about. Bottom line is this...Things ought to change when you walk in the room, because you represent Jesus Christ...he has given you your identity...your new name...who you are means something because Christ chose you. 5. Christians know how to encourage one another (Verse 22) - so, if you didnt know Barnabas means son of encouragement - this is a Barnabas week!!! The challenge is this...encourage, encourage,encourage all week long, and sit back and Watch Him Work! We have to seek to edify one another; its good for the soul! 6. Christians rejoice with those who rejoice (Verses 23 & 25-26) - we have to be happy even if the excitement is not about us; its a good thing to rejoice with our fellow man. (Romans 12:15...rejoice with those who rejoice) 7. Christians will continue to learn and grow together (Verse 26) - And that is what this is all about...Christians growing together, doing kingdoms things, to one day see our Heavenly Father! I leave you with this... There is a song entitled Simply Redeemed by Isaac Caree that goes like this... I am a Christian Do you know what that means? That means Im far from perfect Simply redeemed, born with a purpose Purchase by love Its not a form of religion But a gift from above I am not perfect, no But I have been redeemed I am a believer Do you know what that means? That means Ive pledge my life, giving everything I never knew that this was meant to be Im not perfect but I have been redeemed Redeemed God knows who you are...He knows there will be bad days and other days will be fantastical, but remember who you are in Him, and everything will be a-ok! Its a lifestyle! Watch Him Work! Cristen Crissie Darden
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 12:43:17 +0000

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