Good Morning Facebook Friends. Im writing to vent. Before I get - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Facebook Friends. Im writing to vent. Before I get started Im not attacking any particular nursing home! My mom and step-dad are in a nursing home. Somehow my mom fell 3 times inside of 2 weeks! one time during these falls she broke a chunk of bone off in her arm! I was notified that she had fallen but was told she had been checked over and was ok. I received a call at 10:30 or so that same day and was told that they had done an x-ray on her and could see she had broken at least 2 bones! They then gave her a shot for pain instead of taking her to ER! It was evidently too late or not serious enough for them to take her! When she fell last time either she was walking unattended or some one was not paying attention! She missed the whole chair in the beauty shop of the facility and set down in the floor! Shes been in bed 2 weeks at this point taking pain meds not eating much and getting weaker. She fell about a year or so and broke her foot! They took her to ER then and she was prescribed a boot. I went to get it and they told me the nursing home had to get that! They called the facility and they refused to pay for it! Medical necessities would not let me pay for it. I finally talked them into just letting me pay for it out of my own pocket which I didnt mind I just wanted her to have the boot! When they were ten from their home they were taken to ER! They were then transferred to a facility in Pocahontas where some Dr. took her meds away she had been on for 20 plus years! She then started having seizures! Back to ER. She had 1 in the facility and 2 in ER! She was then put on a seizure med called Dylantin! It took me 2 years to get them to quit giving her that! It made her irritable sick and mean! No one asked me about changing her meds! Nursing home had me spinning down their money out of their bank account so they could get approved for Medicaid which took me 2 years and a heart attack to get done. My step-dad was taken from Pocahontas to nursing home and laid in his bed a year and a half without getting any physical therapy to even help him walk! They complain about food,beds not being changed and cold showers constantly! You would think as much money as these facilities are paid they could do better by their patients! I understand they cant keep their eyes on everyone all the time and I know they cant control everything that goes on. it seems like they take their money and then they take their pride and dignity as human beings! Its hard enough to go see them in some of these facilities without seeing some of them crying from hunger and being mistreated! Someone needs to take a close look at how their loved ones are being treated especially at night! from what Ive seen I would rather put myself to sleep when I can no longer take care of myself than go to a home! Its just heartbreaking to me that our elderly people who have worked hard their whole lives to come to this at the end of their lives! If you have a loved one in a facility PLEASE go see them as often as you can and see to them! After all if the GOOD LORD lets us live that long that will be us someday!!!! Thanks for reading my opinion! Have a great day!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 17:30:29 +0000

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