Good Morning GGIS, God’s Grace Is Sufficient. I hope that you - TopicsExpress


Good Morning GGIS, God’s Grace Is Sufficient. I hope that you had a great weekend and that this morning your are determined to look ahead and not behind. There is nothing behind you that you need to take forward with you. When Moses and the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, everything that they were headed to and needed was in front of them, the only thing that was behind them was misery, bondage and an army that was mad that they were leaving. Be encouraged today knowing that there is no reason to look behind, everything you need is in front of you! This morning as I was getting ready to type the Fresh Morning Rain, once again a unwanted house guess came knocking called distractions. My mind when back to the 2010 National Champions Auburn Tigers football team. They had a great quarterback named Cam Newton. They were having a great season, everything was going fine, and they were right on the edge of blowing through the season. All of a sudden a unwanted house guest called distraction showed up. The whole intent of the distraction was to cause Cam Newton and the rest of the Auburn Tigers to lose focus on what was before them. The team kept their focus through the tough and trying times of the distraction and in the end they were holding up the crystal ball that said they were the National Champions of football. I said that to say this, the enemy has all kind of distractions that are coming your way. The reason the distractions are coming your way is because the enemy has already seen your future and wants to keep you from it. Today you must settle in your heart(not your mind) that there will be no distraction that will cause me to lose my focus and cause me not to reach my expected end. Yes God has an expected end just for you. He reminds us in Jeremiah 29:11 (message bible) I know what I am doing. I have it all planned out-----plans to take care of you, not abandoned you, plans to give you the future you hoped for. The enemy does not want you to reach the plan that God has for you right now, but here is the good news……you are living in the plan right now, and if you would just change how you are looking at your situation, change what you are listening too, you will see that Gods plan was in place all along, but it was the distractions of the enemy that wanted you to think that there was no plan in place for you. Today it’s time for you to stop allowing the unwanted house guest of distractions ( abandonment, rejection, fear of being alone, heartache, un-forgiveness, bitterness, hate, judgments, anger, sin, envy, lust, greed, all malice, unrepentant heart, ill will against mother, father, sister, brother, aunts and uncles) yes all manner of distractions, it’s time to shut the door on it. Purpose in your heart today that you will be mindful and alert to the distractions and that when they come knocking at your door, you will rely on Gods provisions to help you keep the door closed so that they cannot come in and interrupt your peaceful atmosphere. I just want to leave you with this one last thing, if the distraction does get past your door, but the Spirit of God is in your house, that distraction still cannot not stay. I hope todays Fresh Morning Rain causes you to be alert and mindful of the distractions that comes your way. The word in John 10:10 (message bible) reminds us that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, and that’s just want his distractions are designed to do, but in that same scripture God tells us that He came so that we can have real and eternal life, more and better life than we ever dreamed of. Don’t let the distraction steal your promise. Have a wonderfully blessed day and as always it is with much AGAPE!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 11:42:28 +0000

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