Good Morning, GGIS, God’s Grace is Sufficient. I hope that you - TopicsExpress


Good Morning, GGIS, God’s Grace is Sufficient. I hope that you had a great weekend and that this morning you realize that the only sure thing in this world in Jesus. Jesus Christ is the solid rock, a solid foundation, and as long as your dependence is upon Him, then no matter what comes your way, you can rest assure that when it’s all over you will be still standing………………….because of HIM! This morning ask yourself where your dependence really is on today. In light of everything going on in this world today our dependence needs to be in someone who has a proven track record NOT to fail. Last week the government shut down, and today is still shut down, but God was still open for business. Now is a great time to reevaluate where you are with your dependence. With God you do not have to worry about His stock going down, so you win! With God you never have to worry about running out of money, or if He has to raise the debt ceiling so that things get paid and done…..once again with Him you win. With God, you do not have to worry about a group of disgruntled people that get mad each each other and cause everyone to suffer, God does not answer to man, so God cannot be shutdown. With man you lose, with God you win all the time even when the world want to make you think that you have lost. Today I challenge you to re-evaluate what you are sure about on this day, and when you walk away the only thing that you should NOT be unsure about is GOD. Putting your trust in God is like you investing in your future with a company that cannot fail, but putting trust in man and the worlds system is like you walking blind folded in a mine field. Why take the risk on a proven and shaky system, when God is offering you a proven and stable system. God simply wants you to know that in Him there is no failure and uncertainty. I hope this morning’s Fresh Morning Rain causes you to check yourself and make sure that you are truly trusting in God and not anything else. We can endure anything if we depend on God for everything! Have a wonderfully blessed day and as always it is with much AGAPE!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 12:32:17 +0000

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