Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening. Song of The Day. - TopicsExpress


Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening. Song of The Day. Why Dont We Do It in the Road? is a song by the Beatles released on their 1968 album The Beatles, commonly referred to as The White Album. It was written and sung by Paul McCartney, but credited to Lennon–McCartney. Why Dont We Do It in the Road? is short and simple; 1:42 of twelve-bar blues that begins with three different percussion elements (a hand banging on the back of an acoustic guitar, handclaps, and drums) and features McCartneys increasingly raucous vocal repeating a simple lyric with only two different lines. McCartney wrote the song after seeing two monkeys copulating in the street while on retreat in Rishikesh, India, with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He marvelled in the simplicity of this natural scenario when compared to the emotional turmoil of human relationships. He later said: A male [monkey] just hopped on the back of this female and gave her one, as they say in the vernacular. Within two or three seconds he hopped off again and looked around as if to say, ‘It wasnt me,’ and she looked around as if thered been some mild disturbance ... And I thought ... thats how simple the act of procreation is ... We have horrendous problems with it, and yet animals dont. On 9 October 1968, while John Lennon and George Harrison were working on two other songs for the album, McCartney recorded five takes of the song in Studio One at Abbey Road Studios. Unlike its heavy blues result, the song began as an acoustic guitar number with McCartney alternating by verse between gentle and strident vocal styles. On this first night, McCartney played all the instruments himself. This version of the song can be found on the Beatles Anthology 3. On 10 October, McCartney and Ringo Starr finished the song, Starr adding drums and handclaps, McCartney adding more vocals, bass guitar, and lead guitar.[8] Lennon and Harrison were again occupied, supervising string overdubs for Piggies and Glass Onion. Upon learning about the recording, Lennon was unhappy that McCartney recorded the song without him. In his 1980 interview with Playboy, he was asked about it: Playboy: Why Dont We Do It in the Road?Lennon: Thats Paul. He even recorded it by himself in another room. Thats how it was getting in those days. We came in and hed made the whole record. Him drumming. Him playing the piano. Him singing. But he couldnt—he couldnt—maybe he couldnt make the break from the Beatles. I dont know what it was, you know. I enjoyed the track. Still, I cant speak for George, but I was always hurt when Paul would knock something off without involving us. But thats just the way it was then. Playboy: You never just knocked off a track by yourself?Lennon: No.Playboy: Julia?Lennon: That was mine. Julia was recorded four days after the first session for Why Dont We Do It in the Road?, and is a solo performance by Lennon (double-tracked lead vocals and acoustic guitar),[9] though McCartney was present for the recording, as he can be heard talking to Lennon from the control room after a take on the Beatles Anthology 3. In a 1981 conversation with Hunter Davies, who had written a biography of the Beatles in 1968, McCartney responded to a Yoko Ono interview where she said McCartney had hurt Lennon more than anyone else, by saying, No one ever goes on about the times John hurt me ... Could I have hurt him more than the person who ran down his mother in his car? He then brought up Lennons comments about Why Dont We Do It in the Road?: Theres only one incident I can think of that John has mentioned publicly. It was when I went off with Ringo and did Why Dont We Do It in the Road. It wasnt a deliberate thing. John and George were tied up finishing something and me and Ringo were free, just hanging around, so I said to Ringo, Lets go and do this. McCartney also expressed some lingering resentment about a similar incident with Revolution 9, recorded in June 1968, a few months before Why Dont We Do It in the Road?: Anyway, he did the same with Revolution 9. He went off and made that without me. No one ever says that. John is the nice guy and Im the bastard. It gets repeated all the time.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 22:48:29 +0000

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