Good Morning #TeamDay1, I was spending time with my wife this - TopicsExpress


Good Morning #TeamDay1, I was spending time with my wife this morning sipping on Day Cafe Slim and reflecting on the 1st quarter of 2014 and a smile came to my face. My friends, I truly hope you know what you have in front of you. Day 1 is only days away from completing all of the expected enhancements. We are just getting started and the amazing thing is that we are all at the beginning of Day 1 and we all have an equal opportunity of taking this amazing gift of timing and circumstance and using it to create sustained abundance in our lives from here on in. Truth be told, if each of us does just two simple things each and every month, we would all experience an increase of at least 50% of our team every month. Well, what are those 2 things Greg? Thats Simple! 1.) Buy your product (Use the product) 2.) Influence 1 person to become a team member. (Share the product, share the comp plan, INVITE to the calls, schedule 3 ways calls with your upline leaders) This will guarantee that you will achieve the income goal you desire in as rapid a time as possible. Id like to ask you two questions and ask that you answer them honestly and write down the answers. 1.) What do you HOPE will happen in your Day 1 business in the next 12 months and in the next 24 months? 2.) What do you BELIEVE will happen in your Day 1business in the next 12 months and in the next 24 months? Do your two answers coincide, or are they different? Lets look at why that is important to you. The following was written by Mr. Docfran Clark. He is a retired Dental Specialist with a 33 year history of success in Relationship Marketing. He has reached the top Ranks in 4 companies, building teams of hundreds of thousands of people during his career and thrives on helping his team members achieve success. HOPE Hope is an expectation of an outcome. Websters defines hope as the feeling that what is desired is also possible, or that events may turn out for the best. I would expand that definition to include but it inherently implies uncertainty. BELIEFS Beliefs are the foundation of our experiences. Websters defines believe as to have confidence in the truth, the existence or the reliability of something, although WITHOUT absolute proof that one is right in doing so. I would like to expand that definition to include A belief is only a thought that you keep thinking, a repetitive thought. Why is this important to you in your Day 1 business? The reason is that only when someone has a strong belief in something can he act purposefully. Strong belief is the backbone of confidence, conviction and certainty. Strong belief is the springboard of action. A strong belief is the blueprint that defines the future reality of your endeavor. A strong belief in the company, the ownership, the products, the system and the leadership is essential to you taking the steps and actions necessary to ensure your progress in the company. A strong belief in your ability to succeed is the foundation of your success. Again, if you believe you will, you will; if you believe you wont, you wont. Either way you will be right. Now the challenge is that we all have fixed ideas, or repetitive thought patterns that dont serve us. It might be I failed because Mary mislead me or successful people are evil, greedy people or money is the root of all evil. You can undoubtedly come up with one or two that you run on yourself repeatedly. The challenge is that these negative beliefs are firmly rooted in our sub-conscious mind, and we are not aware that they are controlling our behavior and our outcomes. How do you recognize a negative fixed idea? One, it is often used as your excuse for failing to achieve your best, and two, when you think it or say it, it makes you feel low tone. Noticing how things are turning out for you is one very clear way of understanding which belief or thought you are emanating, because you always get the essence of what you BELIEVE, whether you want it or not. If we want to change our Manifestations, we have to change our BELIEFS. Engage, Invite and Prosper! Greg ---------------------------------------------- Gregory M. Musantry Sapphire C4C Cell: 585-969-3291 Gregory@GregoryMusantry
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 14:34:57 +0000

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