Good Morning! We left off yesterday with social/ behavior supports - TopicsExpress


Good Morning! We left off yesterday with social/ behavior supports , and will continue today with physical/ environmental supports. Physical/ environmental supports can be added here for any support you child may need such as access to a elevator, adaptive feeding devices, extra time for movement between classes, preferential locker, preferential seating, reduce paper/ pencil task, or sensory diet or any number of things to allow your child to function in school . Just as the other supports there will also be frequency, begin/ end dates and provider(s). The next support is School personal/ parental supports. Im not sure if the parents reading this knows that you can request training for both school staff and yourself under this support but you can. For example, your child was just given a new A.T device that his/ her general ed teacher has never worked with. Since your child will need to be this device to access the general educational curriculum your general ed teacher will need to understand how it works. So that teacher can be requested to be trained to used this device. A Assistive Technology team member can be requested to train your teacher so that she/ he can properly use this device and help your child. Another example, say your child is nonverbal and uses a communication device or picture board. The aid in your childs classroom has never worked with a child using this particular kind so the aid will not be able to work properly with your child. That aid can be requested to take training that will allow the aid to fully understand that device and will now be able to work with your child. Training for At devices isnt all you can have here. Lets say your child does not have O.T services but your child has attention and focusing issues and fidgets a lot. Here you can have a O.T. consult listed. So if your child is having issues a staff member can request the O.T to come and observe your child and the O.T and see if hand fidgets, sensory cushions etc can benefit your child by allowing your child to try it out and if something clicks this item can be added to your childs IEP with your permission. Parental supports can also be added to help you. Say your child received a iPad through a AT team and the iPad comes home with the child but you have no clue how the app your child uses works. You can request training to use this iPad and whatever apps your child uses. A parent can also request training for just about anything. Say your has behavioral issues you can request training to set up a behavior management such as a reward chart to help remove or slow down the amounts of meltdowns you deal with trying to get your child to get on the bus. Last example, your child can tie their shoes with the O.T at school but not at home, your can request videos of of your child working with the O.T so that you know the exactly what works in school so you can to the same at home, training you in the same technical manner as the O.T uses. Use your imagination what can school train you in to better help your child?
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 10:15:51 +0000

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