Good Saturday Morning..finally I am back. Oh my what a - TopicsExpress


Good Saturday Morning..finally I am back. Oh my what a week!!! First off, thank you Jean and Heidi for calling with your birthday wishes. Thanks to to my co-workers and boss who presented me with a huge card and treated mom and I to a lovely dinner, which was delivered to the house since mom was unable to go out. A week of surprises..and I have a really good one for all of you. Our Boy is becoming a house hound, preferring to be inside with us rather than outside. If you recall I mentioned that he has been sleeping in, even if I am up and semi mobile in the early morning. Well right now he is still asleep in my room with Hemi. Last weekend he preferred to do the same. As we had rain, and even a heavy own pour this week, coupled with thunder and lightning, I brought him in as soon as I would get home, walk frist of course, so it meant that he spent all of Wednesday and Friday afternoons in the house. Having the run of the house, being able to sleep in my room at will, appears to be quite appealing to him now. He goes to bed when he feels like it, will lay in the den with us, come to me or mom for some loving and then off back to my/our room for another nap. The last two mornings he has not wanted to go out to the run at all. Now for another lil surprise, a lil brownish/red one...youve seen the pics of my resident squirrel, well imagine being shocked and surprised when taking Loki to his run, I could hear the lil one giving someone proper hell. Well we were getting the proper hell. I opened the run door and who was in the run up along the roof line, the lil one. Scared the breath out of me when I saw this flash move inside. I guess the lil one had gone inside to get out of the heavy rain and strong winds during the night. With Lokis soft bedding and fleece I suspect the lil one was quite comfy, cozy, warm, dry and felt safe inside. My first concern of course was for the lil guys safety, Loki was inside the run with me and with the lil guy up there I was afraid Loki would try to catch him. Nope, true to his gentle ways, Loki just looked and went over and laid on his bed. I also had visions of trying to catch the lil guy with my bare hands, while Loki was still tethered to me, but the lil guy climbed higher and got out on his own. Now one incident during the storm, did require me having my camera, which I of course did not. I had put Hemi and Philly out after the rain stopped, and our neighbor Jim was outside at the end of the driveway. My boys of course sounded the alarm, which, Loki recognized, and Loki panicked. Luckily I was in the kitchen with him as I was preparing his supper, and when I turned, OMG, Loki had jumped on top of the kitchen counter where the small window is, and was half in the double sink and half of the counter edge. Now he is a big boy, youve all seen the pic with me laying beside him, which gives you a good idea of his size. Here is Our Boy perched and trembling on so little space I was scared he would fall over backwards. Not so, when I went to hold him and bring him gently down, he actually stood up on the counter , his hind feet int he sink his front paws on the solid area of the counter, was able to turn and between the two of us he got down on his own. Not only is he extremely fast, he is extremely agile. It took some holding, soft words and head rubbing to calm him down, between the storm we had just finished, my boys vocalizing outside as they did, Loki was one nervous fella. Once calm, I took him for a walk to rid him of that nervous energy and when we came home he got his meal and then again retired to my bedroom. One thing about walking in the rain, it gave Loki a good bath. I toweled him down and his fur was glossy and soft once dried. With the electrical storms and rain we have had, the bulldogs have decreased in number, hopefully now finished for the season. However!....the sand flies are out in hordes. Similar to black flies and sand fleas, these nasties literally sworm you in the hundreds. They are tiny and surround you, so fighting/swatting them off is impossible. They will bite in circles and the itch will drive you crazy for weeks. Scratching of course can lead to infection, I know believe me!! Poor Loki was sneezing the last few days while we walk, as these things get into his nose, as well as ears, eyes and mouth. Vicks!! to the rescue. It works on these nasties as well. Both Hemi and Philly do not want to go outside at all now because of them and Philly has an allergic reaction to their bites. Every year I must treat Philly, washing the bite area, usually his tummy and privates, with a special cleanser and then applying Poly to the areas. One year he was really bad, requiring cleansing three to four times a day plus antibiotics for infection. Hemi who usually prefers to lay ont he deck during the day, does not want to go out at all and we have to literally take him out. Hence the boys only are outside long enough to do their business and are let back inside. Thankfully when Loki is in his run, these nasties leave him alone, it is only when we go for walks that they go after him. We still have a lot of wildfires, last count, I believe was 167. Crews are in from the Yukon, BC and Alberta. This is a natural occurrence in the Boreal Forest and is a matter of renewal. Jack Pine for example, the pine cones will not release their seeds unless they are fired. The fires also kill off the anthrax in the soil, a few years ago more than half of the Wood Buffalo herd died from anthrax. So it is natures way of renewal and caring for her own. I am listening carefully for signs that Loki is awake and moving, but all is very quiet in my bedroom, so he and Hemi are still me some quiet time and I can catch up with all of you.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:02:45 +0000

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