Good afternoon! Wow the sun is amazing today! I often have - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon! Wow the sun is amazing today! I often have people come to me for a reading who are feeling like they are receiving some kind of signs form a departed loved one. Most of the time, the issue that is preventing them from receiving with more meaning and understanding is; Trust. Trust is such and essential part of, not only our spiritual connection to our own spirit,intuition, and source, but, as a working medium. Mediums receive. That is what we are all doing. And, it takes tremendous trust, in my Guides, My own ability, and the Spirit communicator, when giving a reading, to receive and deliver the evidence and messages to the person having the reading. One of the ways to improve your ability to trust your intuition and psychic abilities, is to follow your gut instinct, your intuitive feelings, in a more immediate way. When you are receiving a message from your own spirit, it is not willy nilly, as some may think. It has a purpose. It may not be through rational thinking and that is the point. It is through our higher form of communication. Spirit speaks with a purpose and meaning, which, you sometimes may not understand at the moment, but always reveals itself for your understanding when you are willing and open to receive. It is because in our soul and our spirit, lies the truth for us to follow, understand and live by, through trust and faith. These are not tangible, as a physical object, but , tangible within our being, our spirit and soul. They become very tangible as we learn to trust and act upon our truest and highest guidance. And, that trust and faith expands very quickly when you gain some momentum in actually following your own souls impulses, desires and inspiration. These are light changing moments and opportunities for us to live from our highest spiritually centered ways. We can always make a new choice about a certain person or situation, a new way of seeing someone, using forgiveness and compassion, which also teaches us, through the process. When we go against or resist our divine guidance, which is innate within each of us, our experience may become more acute and we may feel emotion that is telling us otherwise. We are saying we think, sense and believe that we are separate from our spirit and our source. If there is one thing that has been ingrained within me, not only from my life experience , but, as a medium; we are not alone and we are always connected to our Source, through our own Soul. So, the next time you ask for something to enter into your life, make sure you remain aware and open to how it may arrive in your life. Listen, because your Soul is speaking to you. It may come through other people, or you overhear a conversation, or you may read something by opening up a book at random. However It may be revealing itself, allow it to enter and embrace the message and guidance. This guidance is coming from the real you, your Spirit. The more we come to know our own spirit, the more we perceive this in others. The more we can connect on a Soul level the more understanding we have as to our true heritage, potential and purpose. Trust is a must when living from our Soul. Get in touch with your own spirit , for your benefit and the benefit of others you will come into contact with. What has prevented most people from connecting as well, is fear. Fear of the unknown, or what we think of as the unknown. Trust is the foundation on which the ability to fulfill your true purpose here rests. Learn and practice trusting this power within you. I want to leave you with a quote: The future is completely open, and we are writing it moment to moment -Pema Chodron With gratitude, Dominic
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:24:34 +0000

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