Good guy! :-) Whatever God wants in the future, I am so very - TopicsExpress


Good guy! :-) Whatever God wants in the future, I am so very grateful I know of someone, if not personally, that gets the emotional and Spiritual power music has to transform lives. God/Jesus is there in the room with you. You dont need to look for Him. You might not see Him because He is sitting down with each person using your music to help heal them little by little, emotionally and Spiritually, but He IS there, whether you feel it or see it in the moment. :-) He swirls with the music whereas I go up and down the keyboard like a river. :-) I am so very glad he is who he is as his purity of Heart comes through loud and clear through his music and the world is in desperate need of this. They dont think it exists anymore, and he can remind them it still does for God, giving a one-of-a-kind gift of Hope only who he is in this present moment could give to Gods people. :-). Spiritually I think God is calling him to a more advanced level of commitment, emotionally and Spiritually, one that he did not quite know existed. :-) A place where he can minister to Gods People in more ways, and in more advance Spiritual ways,, especially non-musical ways. But, as always this is just my sense of the situation.. :-) And, we all know how feelings are. They go up, down, here, there and otherwise everywhere. :-) I think this is a big reason I created this Facebook page the way I did. I want to be able to process all the feelings, rational or not, BEFORE I act on anything; always working the whole Ignatian Contemplative in Action balance in ones life physically, emotionally AND Spiritually. :-). However, although I might have a gut feeling that tends to be different from my other human feelings, God does not write us a note. I would like to put that one in Heavens suggestion box though! Thus, ultimately we know nothing of the future as there are too many free will decisions from one moment to the next. I think this is why only God knows the time of the end, He does not want to mess with anyones free will so He will have to decide Himself when it is Time. Thus, Jesus, His Son does not know At the same time, it is our mind and feelings that come from God, and sometimes this is the only way for Him to communicate with us, or to us, in my opinion. The other one has made stillness and silence bad in this, so called modern, world. People want the big show; the next huge miracle when they are too busy to be open and present in the moment to the everyday miracles happening all around us 24/7. God has a Plan we creatures could never understand, and ones comfortability with this or that situation DOES play a part in Gods Will for each of us, SPECIFICALLY because He will not force us to anything. Humans have the Ten Commandments, but God has only one law He holds Himself to out of His unconditional Love, and this is He will NOT mess with free will, with regard to a current Christian or a non-Christian for that matter. He Loves our actions of complete Surrender and Trust in Him, but as the Creator, He knows how hard it is for human beings to get to the point of truly being able to choose this freely. I am seriously ready to move on myself though. In just the last 40 or 50 years, how much has human life been regarded more and more as genetic property rights, than God given Gift. It is interesting though that a human even thinks they could maketest tube babies. Because whether in the womb or outside it, God is still the one who decides if life is created, not any human being. It is like that standard story about mankind REALLY thinking and saying they can create something, anything by themselves. So, it is by yourself, then God needs back the air we humans breath, the eggs and sperm God has created along with the whole scientific methods, along with all the corporate knowledge the Church has written and handed down from generation to generation and on and on. I ramble as usual; another reason I set up this page this way. So, can ramble all I want on any feeling I want whenever I want. :-) Take care and Blessings All! Prayers that God will give you and yours whatever only God can know you or they need,when they need it! -Kim :-) https://youtube/watch?v=R5H76bVe4yI
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 05:12:26 +0000

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