Good morning FB Fam & Friends! I have something to say and I - TopicsExpress


Good morning FB Fam & Friends! I have something to say and I cannot stay quiet any longer..... So, here it goes: Loyalty, Family & Friends One of these words mean a great deal to me. I am sure many of you can agree that others in your circle do NOT know what that word truly means to you. It’s unfortunate that they do not fully understand it. Below I will give full definitions of the ONE word, then please feel free to comment if you should feel the need. After I put the definition of said word then I will either put “MY” personal definition or if I should agree with said definition then I will leave it as is. LOYALTY- Full Definition of LOYALTY The quality or state or an instance of being loyal Examples of LOYALTY 1. the loyalty of the teams fans 2. “there was no denying that dogs loyalty to his master” Origin of LOYALTY Alteration of Middle English leawte, lewte, from Anglo-French lealté, leauté, from leal, leial loyal First Known Use: 15th century Related to LOYALTY Synonyms adhesion, allegiance, attachment, commitment, constancy, dedication, devotedness, devotion, faith, faithfulness, fastness, fealty, fidelity, piety, steadfastness, troth FAMILY- A group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head : household A group of persons of common ancestry: clan A people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock: race The basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children; also: any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family “A single-parent family” Related to FAMILY Synonyms blood, clan, folks, house, kin, kindred, kinfolk (or kinfolks), kinsfolk, line, lineage, people, race, stock, tribe Related Words blended family, nuclear family; extended family, household, kith; brood; descendant (also descendent), issue, offspring, progeny, scion, seed; clansman, kinsman, kinswoman, relative; dynasty Near Antonyms ancestry, birth, descent, extraction, origin, pedigree Friend- A person who you like and enjoy being with A person who helps or supports someone (person they truly care about) or something (such as a cause or charity) Full Definition of FRIEND One attached to another by affection or esteem Acquaintance One that is not hostile A favored companion Related to FRIEND Synonyms alter ego, amigo, buddy, chum, compadre, comrade, confidant, confidante, crony, familiar, intimate, mate [chiefly British], musketeer, pal Okay now, let’s tie ALL three words together and see what we come up with….. I am hurt, disappointed, and yes extremely angry, so with that being said, Do I have anyone who is: Loyal, Family, or Friend to me & my son? :’( PLEASE COMMENT I’D LOVE TO HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY! And please refrain from the Negative, I speak to the ONE or TWO persons that I know for a fact will. YOU BOTH KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!! >.< Understand this, there a a very chosen few that I have met through my trials & tribulations that I do not nor will not put into this so you do know who you are. THIS IS NOT IN REGARDS TO YOU! ;)
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 16:12:28 +0000

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