Good morning Facebook family. Just a few things I think needs to - TopicsExpress


Good morning Facebook family. Just a few things I think needs to be addressed. For some families, back to school started last week, well here in Buffalo NY today is the first day back for just about all high schools (parents everywhere just popped a bottle and a But Ive noticed that some of you are still enabling your almost grown ass kids! Every child from 8th grade and below gets a pass, but as for you Freshmen-Super Seniors (see your neighborhood corner child for definition) sorry you all gets no pass no sympathy or understanding from me. Some of you parents will probably be upset with me on this one but thats only because it hit really close to home! 1. If your a mom or dad/aunty/uncle/grandparents has to get up out their sleep in the morning, to make sure you wake up that child out of their because they couldnt/didnt set their alarm or they were up ALL night watching TV or talking on the phone... Shame on you! Thats not your job...! If they cant take their lil ass to sleep at a reasonable time, then they deserve to miss the bus/train. And parents if youre doing this youre a bunch of idiots. I mean unless this child has some type health deficiency and needs assistance, youre an real idiot, and youre disabling your childs growth for the next phase of their lives. 2. If your child got a job and he or she worked all summer, but when it was time for them to get there supplies and clothes/shoes etc...and they didnt have ANY money to show for it and you spent your hard earned money to get their things...again, youre and idiot! I dont know what part of the brain says its ok, but youre not doing your responsibilities any favors, and for some of you that have more than one child, unless you can afford it, (not that matters either) your child didnt learn a damn thing about what having their own money means...! 3. If you know your child has a history of troubles with going to school, being at school, sleeping in class, getting detention, fighting in school, fighting after school, missing the bus, missing the train, going to a friends house, coming home late, not bringing home homework, not doing homework, cheating off another student(s)...and you have done ABSOLUTY NOTHING to change this pattern along with doing the first two mentioned issues in this post, then you sir/maam are a... PUNK ASS PARENT! And nothing I posted today wont mean a gotdamn thing because its obvious you dont see or think theres a problem with how you parent your child/children. Just like men only do what women allow, children only do what their parents condone. I want for all children to have a great school year... ...but if your child/children are ONLY learning at school...theyre not learning! Think about that. Judge me now, thank me later! #keepingit1000
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 10:57:32 +0000

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