Good morning SpyderLovers, friends and family. ☕️ We had a - TopicsExpress


Good morning SpyderLovers, friends and family. ☕️ We had a good trip out of Quebec yesterday but we knew we were going to hit rain somewhere down the road. There have been very few trips when I didnt hit some rain and very few trips where I put on rain gear before I got wet. This trip was an exception. We both were watching the radar on our phones and we knew we were heading right into the storm. It was hard to tell how bad it was going to be because we kept changing our route to try and avoid the worst of it. By time we had stopped to eat around 4:00 we had pretty much found us a hole to stay in but that hole closed up on us quickly and we decided to stay dry instead of push forward. It was a good call because it got real ugly here and I was glad I was in my hotel in a warm bed. I was pretty trashed too so this was a good call. All day yesterday I thought about the unavoidable storm of life I was heading into and that was a storm I was going to get wet in. Seems there was no way to get a glimpse of any blue skies ahead. As much as I tried to focus on better days ahead I was still consumed with the here and now. The rest of this week will be a week of storms as I can see it on my radar. Theres no getting around this storm, there is no staying dry in the rain thats to come. The best I can hope for is to not be too cold when its over. As I head into this storm Ill start by putting on my rain gear of prayer and hope that it will cover the hole of self and keep me mostly dry. You see self is the biggest hole in my gear. I know that just like I know I should put on my gear before I head into the rain but very seldom do. I hope on my ride today into the storm that The Lord will patch those holes along the way and that I wont be consumed with doubt and fear of an uncertain future. I know that blue skies are ahead and I do believe that, I just cant see them on my current view of my radar. Maybe I just need to zoom out instead of zooming in. Hope you all have a wonderful day today and youre able to stay mostly dry in the storms of life to come. Love you guys, no really I do 😎🙏
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 11:10:58 +0000

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