Good morning! Tony Robbins likes to use the phrase take massive - TopicsExpress


Good morning! Tony Robbins likes to use the phrase take massive action a lot! If you want to change your life drastically, then you have to take massive action he constantly emphasizes. Most of us are scared to death of this. If you have been doing the same things for the past 10 years, waking up at the same time every morning to go through the same routine, then these are a group of habits that have been ingrained in you. They are so deeply imprinted in you that the same patterns are right down to your nervous and cellular system, so changing can be difficult, but it is not impossible. You will only take massive action when: 1. You have reached rock bottom and are desperate for a new way to live 2. You are sick and tired of how things are currently and are seriously seeking a new lease on life. If you complain about your current circumstances but arent willing to make any real changes, then you are still comfortable where you are and are unlikely to take any real action to change those parts of your life that you are not satisfied with. So my advice if you really want to come to that place where you will take that massive action to change your life? Start small. Start changing the little habits that you know do not work for you, slowly but consistently, inch by inch. Soon, as you start to adjust to these new changes, you will get to that place where you can take that BIG LEAP! And thats how the journey to your greatest life begins. Small. Start small first! ~createYourself~!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 05:38:45 +0000

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