Good morning everyone! Best wishes for a wonderful start to the - TopicsExpress


Good morning everyone! Best wishes for a wonderful start to the new academic year! Summer days will soon fade away and autumn leaves will fall. However, there is no reason to be sad about this, since it also means that we will start our Autumn/Winter tour activities. Last year we offered a variety of tours directed to both Mongolian and foreign students leaving in UB. Our program was very successful and we decided to continue it this year. Our first trip will take place to Amarbayasgalant Monastery on September 22nd. The main purpose of the tour is to witness Tsam dance performance which will take place in the monastery the next day. Tsam is one of the Buddhist rituals and its origination and development are inevitably connected with Buddhist devotees and nations. Some research paper mention that the first Tsam was performed in Tibet in 811, and from there was introduced to Mongolia at the beginning of the 18th century. The first tsam in Mongolia was performed in Erdenezuu Monastery in 1786. The ancient religious mask dance Tsam is one of the significant religious rituals reflecting Buddhist teaching through correct apostolic images and essence. It is a theatrical art performed by skilled dancers bearing the extremal appearance and characters of different apostles and devils, animals or real people. Song and dance, music, decorative arts and other kinds of folk art are included in the Tsam ceremony. Here are the details of our tour: Time: September 22-23 Place: Amarbaysgalant Monastery located approximately 400 km north of Ulaanbaatar, close to the Darkhan-Erdent road Main event: Tsam performance Price: 140 000 tugrigs Additional activities: - trekking in the area - visit at nomadic family - horse riding. If you wish to get more info contact us on Facebook, or call at 70141001, 77141001. Намрын анхны налгар өдрийн мэнд Өнгөрсөн жил бид Монголд амьдардаг гадаадын оюутан залуусын дунд маш олон сонирхолтой аялалуудыг зохион байгуулсан билээ. Дашрамд хэлхэд бидний аялалыг сонирхолтой сайхан болгож өгсөн аялагчиддаа баярлалаа. Энэ өдөр бид намрын анхны аялалын хувиараа танилцуулж байна. Хүндэт аялагчын хүсэлтийн дагуу 9-р сарын 23нд Амарбаясгалант хийдэд болох цамын хурал буюу ( mask dance) -ийн аялалд явахыг уриалж байна. Амарбаясгалант хийд нь Монголын бурханы шашны томоохон хийдүүдийн нэг бөгөөд 300 жилийн настай. Цамын хурал нь жил бүрийн 9-р сард Амарбаясгалант хийд дээр болдог бөгөөд залуу лам нар жинхэнэ ёс жаягын дагуу цамын бүжгийг бидний нэрлэдэгээр дэглэж уул, ус, лус, савдагаа аргаддаг билээ. Тус хийдийн цамын өмсгөлийг тусгайлан Төвд улсад захиалан хийлгэсэн бөгөөд өмсгөл, нийц, үнэт эдлэл нь Монголдоо ховор чимин хийцтэй. Үнэ: 140 000 төгрөг, 2 өдөр 1 шөнө. Үнэнд өдрийн 3 хоол Байрлах шазрын үнэ. Арга хэмжээ: - Явган аялал - Малчин айлд зочлох - Морь унах Холбоо барих утас: 70141001, 77141001 ttrmongolia
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 03:18:34 +0000

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