Good morning everyone, The peace of God be upon you all... OUR - TopicsExpress


Good morning everyone, The peace of God be upon you all... OUR STUDY ON DRESS AND ORNAMENTATION continues Todays Lesson: A SYMBOL OF BEAUTY A SYMBOL OF BEAUTY In the same way the imagery of the covering made with precious stones can hardly be taken literally to refer to an actual jewel-studded garment that God made to cover Lucifer. Why would Lucifer need such a garment in the first place? Was it cold in heaven? Nowhere does the Bible suggest that angels wear clothes or jewels. If it were true, as the title of a booklet puts it, that God Believes in Jewelry and uses it to beautify His creatures15, why didn’t He adorn the bodies of Adam and Eve with jewels? We have found that the covering of the first pair at creation and of the redeemed at the final restoration is a robe of light emanating from God Himself. Clothes were introduced to cover the nakedness revealed by sin (Gen 3:9, 21), but there was no need to cover Lucifer’s nakedness on the day he was created (Ez 28:13). f there was no need of clothes for the holy pair before their sin, why would Lucifer have such? Moreover, why would God use earthly mineral stones (presumably before the creation of this earth with all its minerals) to decorate a garment designed for a spiritual heavenly being? In the light of these considerations it is evident that the imagery of the covering with precious stones is designed to convey the original beauty of Lucifer as well as of his counterpart, the king of Tyre. In both instances, beauty led to pride and to downfall. The imagery of precious stones is used not to legitimize their use as ornaments, but simply to express the notion of beauty in a language that people understood. Precious stones are beautiful. God made them to beautify this world, but I find no indication in the Bible that God uses them to beautify human bodies. The idea of God beautifying a created being with jewels presupposes the recognition of a need for improvement, making up for existing deficiencies. But God’s original creation of human and heavenly beings was perfect in function, design, and beauty. There was no need of cosmetic makeup or ornaments to cover up or improve the outward appearance of His creatures. Tomorrows lesson: THE HOLY CITY ADORNED AS A BRIDE make a date tomorow and lets be blessed together
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 08:31:43 +0000

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